God of Flowers Part 9

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Pretty close to the ending! Thanks for reading through this! :)

Arthur took a deep breath in, it slightly calmed his nerves. Oh how he wished he had his Earl Grey.....and maybe a spot of rum.

Arthur glanced to his right, and there was the cause of all his nerves, Alfred the God of Flowers.

A disheveled white button-up top, a defiant strand of liquid-gold hair, sapphire blue eyes, and.....was there some weird white liq-oh Gods, Arthur was just going to ignore THAT detail.

Ignoring the "liquid", Alfred looked calm, Arthur might even say serene. Like the two gods were sitting together and having an afternoon tea, discussing the day's weather.

"Urm....Alfred, my lad, why don't you borrow my coat."

Alfred glanced at him, his ocean blue eyes held a strange look. The God of Flowers gave a shake.

"No, I'm OK, and my cottage isn't too far away."

Blasted, Arthur was doing a terrible job at this "comfort" thing, wasn't he?

Arthur averted his eyes from the exposed god, and focused on a blush pink oleander near him.

Stiff upper lip, Arthur ol' chap. Everything was going to be ok, it wasn't like he just saw a millennial old acquaintance viciously rape someo-hahahaha, let's move on!

C'mon Arthur lift up your leg.

Now put it down.

That's one step.

Lift it up again.

That's two steps.


Three steps.

Lift up your heel.

Four steps.

Bend your knee.

Five ste-"Bloody Hell!"

Arthur spluttered out a curse as he ran right into Alfred.

Running into the half-naked god gave Arthur a perfect view of Alfred's asssss-Did Arthur ever mention how nice, sunny, bright, warm, hot, nice this day was? No? Well it certainly was a.....nice day?

Arthur quickly averted his eyes, while trying to do the same with his mind.

Alfred spun around and looked at him, a grin on his face. He had made it home.

"Thank you, God of the Seas and patron of the Dark Arts, for helping me get home. There must be some way I could thank you? Oh, I know, why don't you come inside, I have a delicious apple pie being made."

Arthur idly wondered how Alfred could say all that without running out of breath.

Arthur gave a nod. What's the worst that could happen, and he still needed to apologize for Francis's behavior.

Stepping into the God of Flower's house, Arthur's nose picked up on this most peculiar smell.

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