With a Side of Coffee

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You know Gilbert Beilschmidt was a pretty awesome guy, if he did say so himself.

Mysterious blood red eyes, Snow White hair, and awesome voice, and probably the most handsome person to ever exist on this planet.

No, Gilbert was not over exaggerating. He was the best person to have ever lived.

Gilbert was also in the most awesome rock band in existence. Yes, even better than the Beatles.

So it was kinda weird that the most awesome person in existence was having problems.

"But Luddy! You don't get it. All I can do is order coffee. If I ever try to talk to him, all he does is silently nod."

Luddy, or Ludwig, pressed his face into his palms. He let out a giant sigh. Was his brother really that big of an idiot?


"Vhy, don't you just ask for his number. It is not that hard brother."

Gilbert let out an offended gasp. Of course his less awesome, but still pretty awesome, brother would come up with something that stupid.

"I already told you! All he does is look uninterested. He even seems annoyed sometimes! With me!"

Before Ludwig could respond to his brother idiotic comments the "Awesome Song" started to play.

"Oh my God! How could I forget Alfred starts his shift now. Gotta go Luddy!"

The albino scrambled toward the door. Barely remembering to grab his shoes.

All Ludwig could do was stare at the dust left behind from his brother.

Was this really what his life was?

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