Good Man? Part 3

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A couple months had passed since Mathew had introduced him to his new friend, Alfred.

Alfred was just a charming fellow. He was funny enough to make a comedian jealous. He was charismatic. He was witty. He was tenacious. He was hard working. He was smart.

But most importantly he brought Matthew out of his shell.

The change was quite obvious. Before meeting Alfred, Matthew could barely raise his voice. But after meeting Alfred, Matthew joined the hockey team and screamed profanities that would make the Devil jealous.

Matthew was starting to find more hobbies he like. He was more outgoing. He wasn't as afraid to share his dislikes. Just the other night, Matthew had argued with Francine over if he could spend the night at Alfred's house.

Arthur felt so proud. Mathew was finally becoming a man!

Clack Crash Thud

You know, if Arthur were to tell you one of Alfred's flaws, it would be clumsiness. That boy was like a bull in a china shop.

Yes, Arthur had to have Alfred over tonight. The boy had some interviewing project at school.

Arthur heard more than saw Alfred scramble to the living room, where Arthur was. God, that boy could be quite loud. Not that Arthur minded, it made the house feel...more alive, somehow.

"Sorry 'bout that Mr. Kirkland."

"No, no, it's fine. You didn't break anything did you?" Arthur questioned.

Alfred blushed and looked at his shoes.

Arthur let out a sigh. Oh well.

"Well, I can clean it up later. There's no reason to look so sad, poppet."

Alfred blushed even harder, Arthur wasn't even sure how that was possible.

"Oh well, are you going to ask me your question?" Arthur asked.

Alfred looked up and furiously nodded.

" Kirkland, what was traveling to the US like?"

"Oh, that's a hard question. It was terrifying, I was moving to a place I had only saw on TV. You see Alfred, I wasn't much older than you–""Really!" Alfred interrupted.

Arthur let out a small chuckle. Alfred was so excitable.

"Yes, now if you'd let me continue." Alfred suddenly found his coat zipper to be the most interesting thing. "I wasn't much older than you. Add to the fact that my family wasn't the most comforting, and you get a terrifying situation. When I first stepped off the aeroplane I was so lost. All my friends were across an ocean. I had never felt so alone, but then I met Francine. She was the most beautiful woman in my school, the most popular one too. She helped me get acquainted with this new country. We eventually lost touch when school ended, it was only around ten years ago that we started reconnecting with each other again. And I'm sure you know that we got married sometime–""Mr. Kirkland! I don't need to learn about your love life." Alfred interrupted, looking deliciously embarrassed.

Heh, Arthur guessed that Alfred was right.

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