Get Well Soon Alfred Part 4

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Last part!

Alfred grabbed his handmade rope and tossed it out the window. He had done this so many times, it was basically as natural as breathing to him.

Grabbing the thick cotton rope, Alfred put his leg on the window sill, took a deep breathe in and jumped.

The rope shook a little, but other than that it was ok.

Wait, Alfred focus! There wasn't enough time to admire his handiwork. He had to get down this rope before Ivan noticed.

Alfred couldn't suppress the shiver that went down his back when the name Ivan came up. He hated that guy, ok? He was weird, creepy, and a little obsessive.

Shaking his head, to clear his thoughts, Alfred put his other hand below the other. Alfred let himself fall a little.

He had finished about a quarter of the rope. The building just wasn't that big.

Loosening his hands, Alfred fell the last couple of feet.

With a loud oomph, Alfred finally put his feet on soldi ground.

Now he just had to find his partner!

With the moonlight as his only guide, Alfred slowly made his way along the side of the building. The shadows hid him nicely.

With barely a sound, Alfred reached the front of the building. A luminescent glow could be seen seen through the glass front doors.


Alfred twirled around. A large smile starting to form on his face.

"Artie, there you are! I was just looking for you. How long have you been there dude?"

Said British gentleman let out a sigh. Why did his partner have to be so immature?

"Git, keep your voice down. Do you want them to hear you?"

Alfred started to open his mouth.

"It was a rhetorical question Alfred!"

"Sure dude." Alfred skipped a little over to Arthur, almost pressing their shoulders together. "Well, when can we leave? It'll be a cold day in hell before I want to see Ivan again."

Arthur glanced at Alfred. He did have to agree, the Ivan fellow Well, you did have to be off to work at one of the most infamous Psychiatric Hospitals in the world.

Arthur gestured to a black sedan.

"Agent Honda will be waiting in a black Sedan for us, the license plate is-"

Alfred started to snicker.

Arthur shot the blue eyed man an annoyed look, "As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, Honda's license plate is-" "Nah dude, it's fine, I already know Kiku's car!" Alfred happily interrupted Arthur again.

"You know, Kiks really should get another car. Imagine how funny it would be! 'Yes, Aganst Honda is driving the black Honda.'"

The Englishman rolled his eyes.

"Now Alfred, on a more serious note, did you get it?"

"Yep, siree, I got the Lythium right here!" The blond took out a small bag. A silver liquid was spiraling in it.

"That's good."

"Artie, do you know where our next stash will be?"

Arthur decided to ignore his nickname before continuing, "It should be in Cheyenne."

"Cheyenne! As is Wyoming?" Alfred exclaimed.

"Yes, Alfred, I told you this before, did you forget?"

Alfred ignored the question. "I hate Wyoming! It's so cold! Why can't we go to Hawaii or Fiji? Somewhere that doesn't freeze my eyelashes at least!"

Arthur let out a fond sigh.

"Why don't we head to Honda's car? Then you could at least be farther away from Ivan."

Alfred excitedly shook his head.

Alfred and Arthur slowly began to disappear into the misty night, heading to a black Sedan.

It was a shame they never noticed the crazed violet eyes that followed.

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