Chapter Twenty-One

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No one had told me what they were doing or where they were heading to today. I was in the compound with Hayley and Genevieve. Right now Hayley was pacing worried, making me more worried then I was, causing me to bit my nail from the nerves. "Elijah should have called one of us by now." Hayley says as she continues to pace.

I'm worried about everyone, but her focusing on Elijah reminds me of his words that I keep trying to push out of my mind. But him kissing me almost haunts me and I can't seem to just, delete it from my brain. I wish I could just make it go away. But at the same time I'm glad I stood my ground and got some answers out of him.

"Worrying isn't going to help. Both of you should try to keep calm." Genevieve suggests.

Hayley looks at her and frowns, "What are you now, magician slash Zen-life-coach." she questions the red head.

"Your pacing and worrying is affecting Clara. Now, the treatment of pregnant women has advanced remarkably since I was a nurse, but even I know blood pressure is bad for her and the baby." Genevieve tells her, gesturing to me causing me to lower my hands to stop biting my nails. Hayley sighs and takes a seat next to me. "Especially now, since she's so close to term." Genevieve continues.

I look towards Genevieve, "I didn't know you were also a nurse." I comment.

She gives me a smile, "I use to work at the sanitarium. " She explains simply.

I sigh, still feeling a bit antsy just sitting and waiting here, "God, I hate this. Just waiting. I feel so useless." I complain.

"Don't you get it? You're the point of all this. Klaus and Elijah running all over town?" Genevieve starts before letting out a sigh, "It's all for you. I'm a bit envious." she admits.

I let out a small chuckle at her words, "Lucky me." I reply jokingly causing the two to crack a smile.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Genevieve asks me.

I glance at Hayley then look back to the witch, "Not me, but how about something for Hayley." I start causing her to give me a look to which I ignore, "More so a gift... A moonlight ring? Because once we're no longer connected, I want her to have one." I question.

Genevieve gives me a chuckle, "The spell can't be performed until the full moon reaches its apex. And, of course, I need the stones, which will be here soon enough. Have a little faith you two." she tells us. I just nod and hope I'm able to help Hayley.


"Can you please call Elijah to see if they have any news?" Hayley asks of me as I was reading in the study.

I set my book down, and sigh, "Okay, one call. If he doesn't answer, you have to be patient." I tell her as I grab my phone. She needs as I call Elijah, putting him on speaker as it rings.

After a few rings he actually picks up. "Impeccable timing." his voice rings through the place.

"What's going on?" Hayley was quick to question.

"Is everyone okay?" I follow up as I begin to chew on my nail in anxiously.

"Jackson is fine. There's... a little tied up right now. Can we call you two back?" Elijah asks us. Noise happens a bit muffled through the phone from Elijah's end along with an angry muffled shouts.

"Elijah, tell me what's going on, now." Hayley demands. No one replies for a second, then an explosion is heard through the phone. Hayley and I look at one another with fear as the line goes dead.


Hayley was pacing again. I try to ignore it my reading again but I haven't gotten past this one paragraph, not really reading. Only overthinking about the explosion. They're fine right?

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