Chapter Three

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I sit in the foyer watching Rebekah and Nik bicker back and forth. "I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know I love to set things on fire!" Rebekah pouts.

Nik smiles, looking over at his sister, "Was I supposed to leave them in the front to rot?  Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked a helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child, and her werewolf friend!" Nik declares, as if he did the heroic deed.

I roll my eyes, "Oh, thanks you so much for saving me Nik." I say sarcastically.

Nik looks at me, giving me an amused look, "Anytime love." he responses.

Rebekah rolls her eyes this time, "Oh, I am so moved by your new found sense of fatherly duties towards the girl you once cared for who is carrying your hybrid bun in her oven." Rebekah sassess.

Then Hayley walks to the foyer, carrying a book she found, "The werewolf would like to know what the plan is." she requests.

"Well that depends what plan you mean, my plan for world domination, or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world?" Nik says, obviously taking a jab at his sister.

Rebekah grabs a pencil that was on a desk next to her and throws it at Nik, before it can stab him in the face, he catches it. I let out a sigh at their bickering. "She means the plan to get Elijah. You know your brother." I say to them.

Hayley nods, "Yeah, the good brother. The one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you shoved him in a box." Hayley sasses.

Nik smirks once again, looking at her this time, "In the front, if we're being specific." Nik states.

"You two said that you would get him back. So is there plan, or what?" Hayley questions, ignoring what we just said.

Nik smirks drops, "Okay. Well, firstly. Marcel is not my mortal enemy. He is my friend. Albeit one who is unaware that I'm trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend now the  less. And secondly, I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently. And thirdly... Sister, please." Nik explains, then gestures to Rebekah.

"And thirdly, the plan, you have demented, is for Nik haves to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back." Rebekah informs us.

Hayley gives a raised eyebrow before looking back at the siblings. "That's - thats not the whole plan, is it?" she questions unsure.

Rebekah scoffs, "Please! Klaus maybe a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is a move more diabolical." Rebekah tells her.

Hayley looks back towards me, "Nik wants it, eventually gets it." I tell her.

Nik givers a smirk, "Besides, that's only the Plan A, there is always a Plan B!" Nik tells her.

Hayley looks back towards Nik, "And what's Plan B?" she questions.

Nike smiles and says, "War." 


Hayley and I have been stuck at the mansion all day. Nik and Rebekah have come and gone dealing with business. The sun had set by now, Hayley was in the backyard wandering around the pools. I can see her from inside as I make tea for both of us.

"You're one of the witches." I hear Hayley say. I walk out of the kitchen towards the door and see someone standing in the doorway, and Hayley outside.

"Sophie just asked me to come keep you two company while everyone's out." the witch says, then gestures to something behind Hayley.

I walk closer to them, and see a wolf, like a werewolf just standing by the edge of the forest edge of the yard. "You know, it's drawn to you told. The child that Clara is carrying is part vampire and part werewolf. And you're a werewolf, and you care for Clara and her child, it's obvious. Her and Klaus made something special." the witch girls says.

"So I've been told. You sound like Elijah. He tends to think that this baby is going to make us one big, happy, family, but now he's not here, and I don't even know what, 'it' is." I say gaining both their attentions.

The witch turns towards me completely, "You know, I can do something about that, if you want. I mean, find out if it's a boy or a girl." The witch offers.

I raise an eyebrow towards her, "I thought you couldn't do witchy magic stuff around here?" I question.

"It's not magic, just an old trick my grandmother taught me. Come on. you have to be a little curious."  the witch says peaking my interests.

"Alright." I say, accepting her offer, seeing as it's not real magic.

The witch nods and smiles, walking past me towards the kitchen where I am. Hayley walks in, standing with me, and we follow the witch. 

"If were going to do this can I know your name?" I question as we enter the kitchen.

"I'm Sabine." she tells us then gesture to the counter, "Hop on." she says tapping the top. I do so, and lay back. Sabine stands on one side of the counter and Hayley stands on the other.

Sabine pulls a necklace off, the end holding a crystal. She holds it over my stomach, lightly moving it around. Then Sabine smiles, "I think its a girl." she says, causing Hayley and I to smile. The crystal starts to swing in another direction, causing Sabine to frown, "No... wait." she says.

Concern fills me, "What's wrong?" I question.

"Please don't tell me she's having a mini-klaus." Hayley says trying to lighten the tension.

The swinging crystal starts to glow bright. Then Sabine drops it. Her head goes back, "Hoc est infantimamalom. Nos omnia perditu el eam." she chants, freaking me out a bit.

Then she stops and backs away from me. I sit up, "What was that?" I ask worried about the baby.

"I'm sorry I have to go." Sabine says, grabbing the crystal then hesitantly leaving us.

"What the hell was that?" Hayley questions confused like me.

I place a hand on my stomach and look at her, "I don't know." I say worried.


I sit alone in the kitchen, drinking my tea, lost in thought, thinking of earlier. "I thought you might like to know, Elijah is returning to us." Nik's voice catches my attention seeing him near the entrance.

I give him a soft smile, "Congratulations. Your evil plans always work." I say, slightly joking.

Nik chuckles, before becoming serious again, "You hardly know him, and yet you miss him. What is it about my brother that always inspires such instant admiration?" Nik questions.

I sigh, "Technically, I met him first. We were friends, long before I returned to Mystic Falls, before I met you." I say, looking back at my tea. "He's kind. You're a mystery." I tell him.

I hear Nik sigh, causing me to look back at him, seeing him move to leave. "Hey. I might of learned something that you'll find interesting today." I say, gaining his attention.

I give him a proper smile, "I think it's a girl." I say. Nik smiles, something we both haven't done in a good long while.

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As time goes they slowly become normal again. Well as normal as vampire drama goes.

I hope you enjoy!!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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