Chapter Seventeen

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It's been about a month since Rebekah's left. All I've done is visit Hayley in the Bayou, watch Nik paint, and glare at a red headed witch by the name of Genevieve who tries to flirt with Nik when she comes around. He told me that before she had died in the 20's she and him we an 'item' and that I shouldn't mind her because she was just the past.

"Did you know about this power summit that Elijah is holding?" Hayley asks me through the phone.

"Uh, yeah. Did he not tell you?" I question confused.

"No, he didn't invite any of the wolves actually." Hayley tells me frustrated. "Do you happen to know where he's at right now?" she asks.

I sigh, "Yeah, he told me he'd be at St. Anne's church. So maybe start there." I tell her.

"Awesome, thank you. Talk to you later." before I could respond, she hangs up.


I stood on the balcony watching Nik paint, as he listen to Genevieve talking about what went down at the summit. Genevieve was obviously trying to seduce Nik, but he hasn't looked up from his painting since she's been here.

"You should have seen your brother's face when Hayley walked in." Genevieve tells him, sounding amused.

"The Crescent curse is broken then?" Nik questions, changing the topic.

"Do you believe this will work? That we can finally have some semblance of peace in this city?" Genevieve, changes the subject as well.

"I saw the light from the courtyard and took a chance that..." Cami's voice grabs my attention, as she walks into the room. "You weren't with a half-naked psycho-witch. Seems I gambled and lost." Cami finishes sarcastically.

Genevieve gives Cami a smirk, "Ten minutes ago, I was fully naked." she tells her, lying.

"She wishes." I say, grabbing both the girls attention. I see Nik smirk at his painting, finding my words amusing. Cami gives me a look of relief, while Genevieve rolls her eyes at me. I make my way down the stairs, not breaking eye contact with Genevieve.

"It seems you've served your purpose. Don't let me hold you up." Cami sasses her, obviously sensing the tension Genevieve brought to the room.

Genevieve shifts her gaze from me to Cami, "You O'Connell's sure do love to piss off witches." she tells Cami before leaving.

"Really? The woman tried to blackmail me into stabbing you with the mystical knife of excruciating pain!" Cami scolds Nik.

"Well, New Orleans breeds nothing if strange people to befriend, but I assure you're not here to question me, on my friendly activities." Nik responses to her. Now stopping his painting for a moment.

"I'm here about my uncle. He's deteriorating. The pills, the meditation, they aren't working. His lucidity's shrinking by the day. A witch can undo it. You seem super-tight with Genevieve... maybe you could persuade her to help." Cami explains.

Nik looks at her, "It won't do any good. These hexes, they start with magic, but as they take root, they alter the very chemistry of the brain. I'm sorry, Cami. The damage is done." Nik tells her.

But Cami didn't seem to believe him, "I refuse to accept that, and you would, too, if you had a better concept of family." She tells him harshly.

Nik looks away and glares at his painting. "Cami, I think it's best if you go." I tell her gently, to not have either of them snap. She doesn't even look my way as she walks away.

I turn to Nik so we can talk only for him to walk past me, causing me to sigh.


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