Chapter Four

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I sat in the living room, flipping through a magazine Rebekah had gotten for me. Hayley was sitting with me on the couch, reading through another book she found. Rebekah was with us as the older witch, Agnes came over to check on me, to see how I'm doing with a supernatural baby.

"I feel fine, don't worry Agnes." I tell her, for what felt like the millionth time.

"You are overdue for a check up, a proper check up." Agnes scolds me.

I sigh, and look over at her, "What am I supposed to do? Go to the Quarter for an ultrasound with a werewolf, Original, and a witch as escorts?" I question.

"A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours." Rebekah chimes in.

I look back at my magazine, knowing shes right, but the pit of worry I felt remained. "I'd like to remind you, that I did study medicine. So I am doing the best I can with the limits I've been given." I retort softly, not wanting an argument.

"I know a doctor in the Bayou, off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after hours, you can bring your werewolf friend with you if you'd like. Vampires will never get word of it." Agnes tells me bluntly.

I look at her before looking at Hayley, silently begging for her to come with me. She rolls her eyes but nods. "Okay, Bayou it is." I tell Agnes.

We get up and follow Agnes out. She takes Hayley and I out to the Bayou Clinic. The sun was setting, but the trees that covered the Bayou made it seem much darker.

"This is the Doctor's office?" Hayley questions skeptically looking at the building.

Agnes nods, but gives us both a reassuring smile, "Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go! She won't bite!" she informs us.

I nod and get out of the car, Hayley follows behind are we walk towards the clinic. Nervous butterflies filling my stomach.


I lay on a seat as Dr. Paige was giving me an ultrasound, Hayley stood next to me watching the doctor work. "You're baby's heart beat is perfect." Dr. Paige tells me.

I let out a breath of relief, I didn't realize I was holding. "That's good to hear."

Hayley nudges my shoulder, "See I told you. She's tough, like her mom." she reassures me.

I chuckle and sit up after Dr. Paige removes the gel from my abdomen. Hayley moves to grab my bag that was on the seat behind her.

"That's a unique birthmark." she comments, looking at Hayley.

Hayley helps me down, ignoring the comment. "We're done here right?" she questions.

My phone buzzes and I get it out of my bag. It's a text from Rebekah.

-Where are you?

"Uh, your blood pressure is a bit high, I've got something for it." Dr. Paige says, then goes to the other room.

-At Doctor Bayou Clinic, with Hayley.

I text her back.

A howl could be heard outside. Hayley seemed affected by it, looking out the window. Then car headlights come through the window, causing me to feel a bit annoyed.

Dr. Paige re-enters the room, "Uh, you know. I don't think I really need medicine." I say, trying to leave, feeling a bit on edge now.

"Huh, don't worry, this will help." she response, rather nervously.

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