Chapter Sixteen

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Cami and I arrive at St. Anne's church, Cami leads me over to the attic that use to be Davina's room. My eyes widen when I see Davina, very much alive, sitting on her bed.

"Davina?" I say, and rush over to her, and sit next to her, "Are you okay?" I ask her concerned.

Cami sits on the other side of Davina, "Marcel told me you were up here. Do you want to tell us what happened?" Cami asks her.

Davina starts to tear up and cry, "I died. And at first, I was alone, but then I heard them. Voices, whispering to me." she explained to us, fear in her voice as she cried.

"Who?" Cami asks her. I place my hand on top of Davina's to comfort her.

"The ancestors. They're so angry with me. I used my power against my own, and they said they'd do horrible things to me if I misuse my magic again." she tells us.

Cami stands and starts to pace, I hold Davina into a side hug as she tries to stop crying. "I've studied some psychology in school, including the effects of trauma and abuse, so correct me if I'm wrong Cami," I start, glancing at Cami, then looking back to Davina, "The witches that force you into that ritual, they've lied to you. They hurt you. They're in the fault." I tell her.

Cami nods, agreeing with what I had said. "Clara, Cami, there is nothing either of you have studied in some book that can help me." Davina tells us, sniffling her tears away.

"Okay, forget the books. Let me tell you what I know from experience. When my brother died, I never thought I'd be okay again. I cried for weeks. I blamed myself. I blamed him, and then I realized all that sadness was swallowing me up. And I made a choice. I wasn't going to let it. You can make that choice, Davina." Cami tells her story.

"You say that like it's so simple but the witched aren't just gonna le me go. Their not done wit me." Davina disagrees.

"Hey, no one can control you, not unless you let them." I say to her softly to calm her down.

"How do I even know who to trust? Should I trust Marcel? The first thing he did when I came back was  try to use me again to help Rebekah. Be honest, both of you. Isn't there something you want, too?" Davina questions, looking at both of us, tears in her eyes.

I shake my head no, but Cami sighs sadly, "Yeah. My Uncle is sick. I thought you could help." Cami admits looking guilty.

The tears that where in Davina's eyes begin to flow. At that, Cami comes back to her side and grabs her hands as I rub her back, not liking it when she cried. "That's not why I'm here. I care about you. I want to help you." Cami quickly tells her.

Davina tries to glare at Cami as she cried, "What can you do? When I came back, the voices I heard, they said the only one who could help me are the witches. But, after what I did to them, they hate me. So, how can I go back and ask her their help now?" Davina explains.

We allow her to cry. I don't know what to say to her. The witches of the quarter are cruel. I don't get how they could do this to a kid. Eventually Davina did fall asleep, and I leave to go back to the compound. To much has happened today to even try to understand. I decide to head back to the compound.

No one seemed to be there, making the place seem eerie. "Thought I'd find you here." A voice from behind me causes me to jump.

I turn and see Rebekah. "Oh, you scared me." I say letting out a sigh.

"Sorry, I just came to say goodbye." she tells me.

I look at her confused, "Goodbye?" What happened to us girls sticking together?" I ask.

"Well, Nik and I came to a sort of all- or- nothing arrangement. I leave town for good, and he allows me to. Can't pass that up." she explains to me with a sad smile.

"A thousand years with him, I guess you deserve a few vacation days." I tell her with a soft laugh.

She lets out a laugh, and I give her a sad smile. "Listen, I know if I warn you about Nik being a monster, you probably just won't listen to me. But, don't ever cross him. I know he wants more from like then to just be feared. He's to broken to find it himself, but I do believe there is hope for him in the baby that you carry. And speaking of your child- our family has no shortage of enemies. She will inherited all of them. Please, be careful." she tells me.

I nod, recognizing her warning, "I understand. But you know, you can always came back and visit. I know I can keep a secret from Nik." I tell her, causing her to smile like normal.

"Well, if I can't, you make sure to tell that little girl of her crazy Auntie Bex. And let her know, despite my absence, I do love her very much." Rebekah tells me, causing tears to form in my eyes. "Oh, don't cry." she says a bit choked up, tears now in her eyes.

I walk up to her and hug her, to which she hugs immediately back. When I pull back I give her a sad smile, "See you later, Bekah. I'll miss you." I tell her. She returns the sad smile, then turns around, walking out and leaves the compound.


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Lots of Luv~ snowflake 

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