Chapter Ten

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I was continuing my exploration of the compound from the other day. Hayley decided to join me this time. We found an abandoned room with some boxes in there. Curiosity got the better of us and we started to look through the old stuff.

We found a bunch of vintage dresses. They all looked gorgeous. My favorite was a vintage wedding dress that Hayley had pulled out of a old trunk.

"Try it on." Hayley suggests to me. I raise an eyebrow at that.

"Really? Like this?" I question, gesturing to my baby bump that was very much showing.

She only shrugs and hands me the dress. I roll my eyes but grab the dress, I go behind a divider that was in the room and change into the simple yet beautiful white dress.

Once I get it on, I can't reach the zipper, I move to go back to where Hayley was for help. "Hey I can't -" I stop when I see she's gone. I let out a sigh, annoyed but move over to the mirror.

Even with a small baby bump and it not fully zipped up it looked just as beautiful. "Would you like some help?" A voice catches my attention, making me freeze a little.

I look over my shoulder and see Elijah. I slowly nod, pushing back the memories from the other night. "You might have to use some of your vampire strength though." I joke, looking back towards our reflections as he walks to be behind me.

"Allow me." he replies and zips up the dress and does the few buttons that were on the top.

I look at him, through the mirror. The kiss plaguing my mind as I stare. "Thank you. I guess there weren't to many pregnant casket girls." I say, hoping we can just carry on like nothing had happened.

I look down at my stomach, a ghost of a smile on my face. "I think you look lovely." Elijah says, I look back to him through the mirror, and see him already looking at me. I give him a smile, appreciating the compliment.

I let out a sigh, "It's a shame this dress has to go to waste." I say, looking the dress over again. I frown knowing I can't even enjoy the casket girl festival that would be happening.

"You know, if you wanted to attend the festivities tonight, I would be more then willing to take you." Elijah offers to me. "You can take photos at well." he suggest.

I turn around to face him, "Oh, Elijah... that sounds, wonderful. But with everything going on, with you.. and Nik, both already on edge and not speaking to one another. I don't want to be the thing that rocks the boat more." I tell him, silently hinting to the other things that he's already done, and declining his offer.

Recognition flashes in his eyes, "Yes.. of course." He nods, seeming disappointed. He turns to leave, but stops and looks back at me. "Clara I just want you to know, that it's never my intention to hurt you, but I see that you deserve so much more. And though, my being selfish may come at a cost, I regret nothing." He tells me, before turning away again.

I reach out and grab his arm, stopping him. "Thank you... for the offer to go out. I appreciate it. Selfish or not." I say softly, before letting him go. He gives me a small smile before leaving me alone.


I go to look for Hayley and find her with Rebekah in the courtyard. "Thank you for disappearing." I say as I walk up to them, getting their attention.

Hayley looks guilty, "Sorry, she grabbed me for this." she explains gesturing to the many chests full of clothes that were at their feet.

"Yeah well, here's the dress you wanted me to wear. Happy?" I say, doing a slow twirl to show it off.

"See. You look great. Now help us look for outfits to wear for the festival." Hayley says, as she continues to look throw a box.

I roll my eyes but help. "So the witch is missing, huh?" Hayley says.

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