Chapter Eight

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Arriving home from the Bayou, Nik finally sets me down. Before I  could walk upstairs, Nik stops me. "Why didn't you believe Tyler?" he asks.

I look at him, "Because I know you. Despite any 'evil' thing  you may do, you do so to protect your family. Even if you did want to make hybrids, I know you would tell me. I know that you care for our baby. So I chose to believe in you. Is that so hard to grasp? That I chose you?" I tell him, feeling many emotions, my eyes sting from tears of frustration.

Nik looks at me conflicted, "Thank you." he whispers.

I take a deep breath to calm myself again. I nod, and go to leave but he stops me, once more. "Wait. Tomorrow, I wish to introduce you to a friend of mine. I think you two would get along." he says to me.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "I think I've had enough of vampire and werewolves for now." I tell him.

He shakes his head, "She's human. I do believe you'll enjoy her company." he tells me.

I smile at him, "Then I can't wait to meet her." I tell him, and he smiles. "Now I'm really tired, so I'm going to shower and sleep." I tell him, he nods.

"Sleep well love." he says, leaning in and kissing my cheek. I smile, and look away, and slowly climb the stairs.

"Good night Nik." I call to him, the smile not leaving  my face.


I sit in in the dining room next to Rebekah, trying to eat a bowl of fruit. The table was full of fruits and pastry treats, it would of  been a magical breakfast if it wasn't for Nik sitting across from us, feeding from a servant girls wrist.

"Do you have to feed from someone at the table?" I slightly joking question, as I eat an apple piece.

Nik stops and shoos the  girl away and he gives me an amused glare, and I give him an innocent smile as I eat.

He turns his attention to Rebekah, "Have you spoken to our good friend Marcel today?" Nik asks her.

"No, should I leave?" Rebekah responds, trying to play off the conversation.

"He's been been suspiciously silent- avoiding me, some might say. I thought perhaps he may have whispers reason into your ear. Along with all of those sweet nothings." Nik taunts.

"If I see him, I'll be sure sure to ask if he's still sore at you." Rebekah responds sassily.

"Let me give a voice to that look in your eyes. 'My saintly noble brother lies withering in agony in the Bayou, victim of my bastard brother's bite, when just one or two drops of his blood would ease his pain'" Nik says, mocking  Rebekah.

She rolls her eyes, while I sigh, "On the contrary, Nik, I am simply enjoy my brekkie, with my best friend, while I wait for Elijah's healthy return." Rebekah response, taking a bite of a pastry.

"Oh, come on Rebekah, you're been giving me the devil's eye all morning. Out with it!" Nik demands.

She places down what was in her hand, "Perhaps I'm concerned that if I voice my opinion about what you did to your toxic hybrid teeth." she lectures towards her brother.

Nik rolls her eyes, "Poppycock! I would never bite you. Elijah made some very offensive accusations about my intentions towards my child. He deserves a day or two of discomfort. Besides, you know my preferred method of punishment for your indiscretions is the dagger." Nik explains.

Rebekah smirks, then stands, "There is something fundamentally wrong with you." Rebekah tells him, then leave the room, leaving Nik and I alone.

Nik looks towards me as if to ask my thoughts but I cut him off, "Don't include me in your sibling bickering. I just want to eat breakfast." I tell him before popping a grape in my mouth.

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