28. Unexpected discovery - Remus

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"Harry seems excited for Saturday. I have to say I agree, it'll be nice to have a reason to be happy on that day" sirius smiled stiffly, his eyes glazed and fixed on nothing in particular. As though he could picture the ghosts of our friends before us.

"You're right, for the first time in years I'm looking forward to the 31st of October" I couldn't help but smile slightly. Looking towards Sirius I studied his features, he seemed... guilty. "We shouldn't feel guilty, neither James nor lily would want us to be sad and depressed on our daughters birthday. We can't live in the past, but we can move forward with their spirits in our hearts. James loved to make other laugh and lily did everything she could to support those around her. Embodying their spirits helps them live on, we can't do that if we continue the way we have the past twelves years... its just an other way that Astra is a blessing"

"You always had a way with words moony"

"What can I say, I'm Well read" I laughed before giving his hand a gentle squeeze "come on well be late for the meeting. I don't want to burden Harry and his friends with baby sitting for too long"

Sirius just rolled his eyes at me and strutted further down the hall. I couldn't help but chuckle at his natural flare for the dramatics. it seemed that with each passing months he was slowly but surely regaining some of his old mischievous ways. Though he still woke in the dead of night to nightmares, not that he'd let me help with them. after years of friendship before peter's betrayal i knew better than to force Sirius' hand, he didn't want to rely on me. he's in the habit of just getting out of bed and either checking on Astra or going for a cold shower before returning to bed hours later. Not that he was  particularly aware how much i knew about his night time habits. Sirius prides himself of believing he has a certain degree of stealth, which he never did. He was far too dramatic to ever truly master the art of stealth, it is why James and himself received far more detentions during our time in hogwarts. 

"Are you coming or not moony?" He called back to me snapping back from my rolling thoughts. it'd been happening  a lot lately, i'll have to take some time to actually clear through my thoughts at sometime, soon. 

rushing along the halls we made out way to the headmaster's office. 

"Ah, Professor Black, Professor Lupin, lovely to see you this evening" Dumbledore greeted us from his position beside the gargoyle that guards his office. "Shall we?"

without a word he climbed the stairs to his office, following behind him, Sirius and i exchanged an anxious glance. this meeting had been arranged last minute and i'd no idea what to expect, though with the current climate i planned to expect the worse. 

entering i noticed the letovian council all waiting anxiously. Raul was pacing back and forth in the middle of the room. Ragnar and Viktor were in a tense whispered argument. Elladora was engaged in tense contemplation, her eyes fixed on something beyond this world. Anne, well she looked like she'd seen a ghost. Theyre weren't even the only ones there. Severus was glaring at the anxious wolves with intense contempt. Hagrid was sitting on a chair far too small for him, his large hands tapping on his knees anxiously. though it was Minvera McGonagall's sympathetic stare that made me most nervous, though she wasn't staring at me, not exactly. no she was staring at Sirius with this sympathetic  look that made my stomach turn. 

What did they know?

"Now then, everyone is here so lets begin shall we" Dumbledore stated taking a seat on the edge of his desk, his hands resting passively at his lap. 

Everyones exchanging worried glances none every really resting on me or sirius. 

"Godric, What is it?" Sirisu finally broke the silence, clearly grown impatient. 

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