29. Family - Astra

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31st  October 1993

"Rise and Shine" Rubbing my eyes, I noticed Daddy had decided to wake me early today. Confused I noticed that Papa and Harry were so sitting on the edge of my bed.

They were all smiling at me, like they had something planned. Tired I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep a little longer, it was the weekend usually we slept in on the theweekends. Maybe they had forgotten.

"Ah, ah up and at 'em, we've a busy day ahead sleepyhead" papa laughed when he noticed me try to go back to sleep. Not even my puppy eyes seemed to work. He just shook his head at me.

"But I'm tired!" I pouted turning to look at Harry go try and get some back up against Daddy and Papa.

"Too tired to start celebrating your birthday?" Daddy chuckled, moving some of my hair out of my face.  

Birthday? I actually have a birthday and Daddy wants to mark it? was he sure? wouldn't it just be a waste of his time, mother always said i didn't deserve to mark my birthday. what if daddy changed his mind and regretted being nice about my birthday, i mean i don't want to be a burden.

I couldn't shake the thought.  "B-birthday?" 

I mean it had to be a joke right? no one would wanna mark my birthday, not really. 

"Yes, a birthday, yours to be specific" Papa chuckled, lying down on the bed beside me dramatically  "Come on pup, it's not everyday that a little cutie like you turns six!" 

"six?" I asked looking at daddy to see if papa was right, i kinda forgot what the papers mother left with me said... i knew i was five when i went to daddy's but i wasn't sure when my birthday was... or even what a birthday was. why did people celebrate a birthday anyway? it's just an other day isn't it? 

"yes sweetheart, I know you haven't gotten to celebrate your birthday before so we've a few things planned for today to make sure you've an extra special day" Daddy smiled down at me. i don't think i can ever get used to how he looks at me. the look of love in his eyes. papa does it too. it's nicer than how mother looked at me...her looks were always scary.

"Really?" i don't think i could let myself believe them, even though i trusted them and loved them all i ever remember getting or well hearing on  this day was how i ruined mother's life and what a waste of time my birth had been. That she'd make me feel every ounce of pain she felt. she always followed through on the threat, even if i did nothing to anger her she'd always loose her temper. i guess i should have pieced it together right? the reason why this day every year she was extra upset. my birthday. she always reminded me how she hated that i was born... it makes it hard that anyone would be happy about this day. 

"Of course! it's a Hogsmeade weekend so first things first, we're going to the village to have a look around and treat you to one of of the best hot chocolates in the wizarding world"

"Even better than yours?" I cut daddy off causing everyone to laugh. 

"yes even better than mine, after that we're gonna come back for the Halloween feast which is always a great event here in Hogwarts. we'll come back here a little earlier than the end of the feast for a surprise" Daddy explained, i couldn't help but look at him with wide eyes, had they really planned all this for me?

"But, before all that we have some presents for you" Papa told me smiling from ear to ear causing Harry to shake his head at papa's child like behaviours, he was worse than me.

Jumping up from my bed, he opened the door and with a wave of his wand summoned three packages that were wrapped in the brown paper. Taking them in his hands he basically skipped back towards the bed while daddy sat beside me, letting me curl up into his side. 

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