37. letter's - Remus

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"Will someone shut up that bloody bird!" Sirius groan burryingbhisbhead further into the pillow as an owl tapped on our bed room window for the fifth time.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. Youd swear he was the one to have every bone in his body break and reform twice in one night onto of having to fight an angry alpha. He's a bloody drama queen when he doesn't get enough sleep and we definitely didn't get much sleep after greyback showed up last night.

"Yoh think it'd be me that complained about being woken up given I'm the werewolf" i laughed, as I leaned in to kiss his forehead before painfully crawling out of bed making my way towards window where a rather angry ministry owl was waiting to be let in.

"You know you love me" sirius drawled from the bed. Shaking my head, amused by his teasing i let the owl in.

Two letters were dropped onto my lap followed by the bird angrily nipping at my hand angrily before turning and shooting back out the window.

"Use the window, and come back to bed its cold and I'm missing my personal heater" sirius whinedifting the duvet to welcome me back into its warmth.

Once I got comfortable again, sirius cuddled into my side, peaceful tracing shaped on my chest as he lapped up the welcomed heat.

I just chuckled and kissed his forehead before turning to the letters.

The first looked official. The ministry logo clearly stamped into the wax seal on the folds of the parchment

Dear Mr. R. J. Lupin,

We are writing to inform you that as of 9.45am on the 26th of December 1993 that one Dresella Bennett has been proven guilt of twenty accounts if child abuse, mistreatment of a minor and neglect by the wizmoged and has been sentences for twenty-five years in Azkaban.

Given Ms. Bennett's sentencing, full sole guardianship of one Ms. Astra Jane Lupin has been transfered to her parental father Mr. Remus John Lupin as of the moment this letter was received.

Yours Faithfully,
Cornelius Fudge
Minister of Magic.

"Well thats something at least" I mumbled passing the letter to a semi conscious Sirius who all but jumped from the bed and did a happy dance around our room.

"This could only be made better if they have the bitch the kiss." He laughed, while part of me agreed with him an other part of me was happy enough to know that she could never come anywhere near Astra ever again. "Regardless this calls for celebrations, twenty five years in azkaban should deal with her attitude problem at least, maybe unscramble her already messed up head"

Looking down at the second envelope in my hand, I blocked out his rambling when I recognised the hand writing. All at once I felt like time stopped and my blood turned cold at the sight of my father's hand. Trembling I opened the letter trying to remember the last time I even saw my father. The last words we'd spoken. This was the man who could barely stomach to look at me out of guilt growing up, so much so that he sometimes forgot to be a father, would have too if it wasn't for my mum.


I suppose I don't really know where to begin. Perhaps, an apology would be a good start. I've started this letter more times than I'd care to admit and every time it seems I'm unable to find the right words to make things up to you.

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