31. Escape - Astra

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2nd November 1993.

Everything was dark. Dark and cold.  My arms and legs hurt, like they were stiff. It reminded me of all the night's in mother's were i fell asleep in the confines of a cage. Why did this feel familiar? 

I could smell it, the damp air and the familiar scent of metal. 

"You were meant to get the boy" a voice came from somewhere in the distance, i sounded muffled, like it was coming from behind a closed door. 

"H-he w-will come for h-her. I... I... I'm sure of it" an other voice trembled in response. 

Where was i?

Where is Daddy and Papa? 

Why weren't they with me? 

Where they okay? 

I struggled to wake up, everything was sore and i felt so tired. Like my magic was drained from me. that when i felt it, the call of the moon. it was tonight. I needed to find daddy, he needed me. He couldn't be alone tonight. 

I tried and tried as hard as i could to get my eyes to open. the light flooded my eyes, causing me to see nothing but white until it settled letting me see the room i was in. It was familiar, too familiar. 

I was in a small cage, the cold metal bars pressed against my back, i barely had enough room to sit up. I recognised the room too well. I'd spent five years of my life here, trapped in this cage during full moons. It was here house.  I needed to get out of here. quick. 

to my left i heard a click as the door opened, a familiar laugh echoed through the room, sending a shiver down my spine. frozen in fear my heart dropped to my stomach. 

"So the bitch is alive" her voice shrieked across the room fallowed by her haunting laugh, "Too bad we need you little monster, i'd love to have the pleasure of ridding my connection to you in a more... permanent manner" She laughed as she approached the cage until she was right infront of me, her blonde hair pinned back off her face, you could have mistaken her for someone nice, he was really pretty, the shape of eyes and the shape of her key features marked her as mother. there was no doubt about that.  her eyes were hollow, void of most emotions bar amusement from seeing me in the cage. her lips curled into a cruel smile, i remembered that look. the look she got before she would use that spell. the one that left me sore for weeks. 

"Now, now Dresella, we need the girl alive to lure Potter out" A second familiar voice tutted, the sound of tapping against the tiled floor echoed his every word. Looking away from mother i saw familiar white-blonde locks. Lucius...  

This wasn't good. Fallowing him was a man that made my skin crawl, his clothes were still filthy from years living as a rat, his hair straggly and patchy. Peter Pettigrew. memories of him grabbing me in hogwarts and bringing me here flooded my memory. 

i couldn't contain the growl. I wanted to hurt him, he took me away from my pack. He was the reason they wanted to use me to hurt my brother. my harry. 

"now we can't have that can we" Lucius tutted tapping his cane against the bars of the cage. "Perhaps we should have a little fun, remind the half-breed where her true place lies"

He and mother laughed evily while pettigrew seemed nervous and twitchy, before joining them after an awkward moment of his eyes darting between me and his people. with a flick of her wand, mother opened the cage. 

I backed again trying to cling onto the bars, but she was stronger than me as my muscles hurt from the pull of the moon. She managed to rip me cage with a violent tug. she sent me across the room like i was a rag doll only for me to collid with the wall across the room. my hair fell down in my facde a dull black colour. my body hurt. i think i may have broken a bone or two from the impact. I couldn't get up from the floor. it took everything in me not to cry. 

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