40. Trust? - Astra

690 23 5

Febuary 1994

"Ah Ms. Lupin, its a pleasure as always to have you join me for our small classes. I must say I do miss teaching from time to time. The bureaucracy and politics of this office grow tiresome from time to time" dumbledore rambled as I entered his office for our scheduled class. "Lemon drop?"

"No, thank you Professor" I replied sitting, I never like classes with dumbledore. He always makes me feel uneasy. Speaking in ways that made little sense to me.ots of riddles and half truths. He does the same to Harry but my big brother seems to trust the headmaster but I don't see what he finds so trust worthy about the man.

Just sitting in front of him for our history classes I always feel like he's studying me, finding ways I might be useful to him in the feature and if I'm honest I don't like it. Plus, he was mean to papa by letting him be locked up without a trial and from what I've heard I'd even say he had a hand in Harry's mum and dad dying too. The man was just fishy.

"What can you tell me about the first wizarding War Ms. Lupin?" The professor ask leaning forward, his elbows planted firmly on his desk, staring at me over the frames of his glasses.

"Oh... umm not much. Daddy and Papa don't really talk about it much... but Anne and Elladora told me a little about it in passing." I replied nervously.

"And what did they have to say?" The headmaster pressed, searching for further information.

"Theybdidnt say much, I don't think people like to talk about it, lots of people lost people they loved. I know Harry lost his mum and dad. Umm mostly Anne and elladora described what it was like living during the war. They said that... umm... well... they said that you have to imagine it to really understand it, how you don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more... more torturing... Elladora said that the Ministry of Magic's was in disarray, they didn't know what to do, they were trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that's how they lived for years, especially towards the end when it got really bad"

"They were very right Ms. Lupin, it was the worst of times, some might say the darkest time magic had seen in recent history" the headmaster nodded, hisnhead tilted as he watched me carefully. "Tell me Ms. Lupin what do you know of Lord Voldemort?"

"I know he was a monster. He used the wolves, and killed those who didn't follow him. I know he killed Harry's mum and dad personally... but I don't know much else" I whispered, confused by the lesson. Usually dumbledore would bringout a blackboard and spell some chalk to write up notes and teach me the timeliness timeliness events before questioning me...why did it feel like he was searching for answers from me about something I wasn't even alive during?

My stomach began to do Summersaults, I didn't like where this was going.

"The foundations for the war began as early as the 1940s though the outright chaos and destruction didn't merge into public life until the 1970s soaningvout for a decade under the orders of Lord Voldemort, The Dark Lord's insurgency was supported by his follwers who called themselves Death Eaters, a covert and violent group of dark wizards and dark witches who served him and brought terror to both the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds." The headmaster explained his eyes glossing over as if he was being consumed by memories. "They were opposed in turn by the British Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix, an equally secretive organisation founded and led by myself, both Mr. Lupin and Mr. Black were members if the group along with the potters and many others. They all played a crucial role in Voldemort's defeats."

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