30. lost - Remus

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"NO!" We screamed diving forward in the hopes of grabbing onto them and been taking where ever the slimy rat had taken our daughter.

We only ended up kissing the floor rather hard.

No, this can't be happening.

"Minerva rally the ghosts, search every inch of this castle they may still be somewhere on the grounds" dumbledore ordered.

Minnie nodding rushing down the hall to carry out the task at hand.

I couldn't breathe. I felt like the world was crumbling around me and my grasp in reality was slipping. The arguing voices of those around me slipped away and all that remained was this constant ringing in my ears. I could see their lips moving, yelling at each other.

Sirius was just passing, yelling at snape who seemed to be taunting my mate. Harry was pulling his hair out arguing with Ron and Hermione who seemed equally panicked by the whole situation. The letovuan council were evening running up the hall in a panicked haze, arguing amongst themselves yet I didn't hear a word.

How could this happen?

Hogwarts is meant to be one of the safest places in the world. We were meant to be safe here so how had they let pettigrew into the castle. How did they not take the nessicary precautions  to stop an animagus onto the grounds unnoticed.

What if they wanted to use her to hurt someone, the full moon is in two days. She could lock her away with some undesirable in the hope either she or they were harmed, it wouldn't be the first time our kind has been used that way.

"what i want to know is how he got into the castle" Viktor's voice finally broke through the ringing bring me back to reality. 

i watched, as the council cornered dumbledore, circling the older wizard like hunters stalking their prey. 

"You promised us dumbledore that this school was safe for her. that precautions were being take" Anne growled, that when i noticed she was holding the wizard by fistfuls of his robes against the wall, while the surrounding painting roared their disagreement of the treatment of the headmaster. 

Perhaps once i would have defended albus dumbledore but now, now i agreed with the wolves. he had assured me again and again that astra was safe here and that they had upped security. 

"mistakes happen but rest assured we will locate ms lupin" dumbledore began.

"we shouldn'tr have to find her!" Sirius yelled, stopping his pacing to glare at the wizard "if that rat kills our daughter it's on you Albus. you promised us protection just like you promised james and lily. "

"now is not the time fir this conver-"

"I DON'T CARE! YOU! you can't keep making promises you can't keep" Sirius screamed the hall down, cutting off the headmaster mid sentence. 

Thats when i noticed that Harry was still here mumbling to himself. his eyes red and puffy behind his glasses. Hermione particularlly looked rather guilty and couldn't seem to meet her friends eyes. 

"it's my fault" she kept whispering over and over under her breath but my advanced hearing allowed me to hear her. 

we all needed to stop having useless conversations and start acting. standing around arguing isn't going to help my little girl. the longer we waited to search the longer she was at risk of being harmed or used for some twisted plot. 

"EVERYONE SHUT IT!" I called. 

suddenly all eyes were on me. everyone looked worried but yelling at each other trying to place the blame on each other wouldn't get us anywhere they needed to see that. 

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