19. Sick Days- Remus

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Mr lupin,

Let me apologise for not replying sooner. I'll admit the content for your letter worried me so I've discussed the events of the last full moon with the other members of the council.

Now, we can't be sure but we are almost positive, the extreme reaction to the shift this past month caused due to the awaken and subsequent draining of Astra's magic. The tests we did with your daughter while simply required a large sum of power that in most adults would have put them into a magical exhaustion induced coma. Don't worry we were watching for signs of this the whole time Astra did not exhibit any suggestion of  magical exhaustion. though the use of magic so strong by one so young and untrained was bound to drain up some ir not most of her magical energy.  

I admit, i personally believe us running the tests so close to the full moon was an oversight on our part. we believe the answer to your question is to encourage our young queen to rest on the week leading up to the full moon, try not to over use her magic. i'm sure she's excited to show everyone what she can do as her magic is quite remarkable however as a metamorphmagus as well as a werewolf, Astra is in a constant state of shifting. Perhaps, and this may not work we can try teach her to mediate? introduce it into her daily routine, keep her claim  and balanced. 

childhood is an emotional time, her metamorphic abilities are still tied to her emotions it'll be imperative for future lunar cycles to keep try to maintain an environment that support emotional stability nothing that will spark dramatic changes in her emotions that will cause her magic to act out draining her ahead of the full moon. the last thing we want is the poor dear in pain. I've attached the recipes for a few potions and lotions i have created over the years to help pups who experience less than ideal shift. i've found them to be extremely affective. 

there is an other matter i wish to discuss, or rather Ms. Bonny and i do however we both wish to  talk with you in private about some worries we have surrounding the intensions of the mysterious headmaster. ideally before the beginning of term and Astra's lessons. there are some things we noticed at the tests we'd like to keep an eye on that we shouldn't put in writing. i hope you understand. Could we drop by your home on the evening of august 29th?

i await your owl, please give little moon a hug from myself and ms. bonny, the girl has wormed her way into our hearts. 

your faithful friend, 

Elladora Villalobos IV. 

" Well? what did the all mighty wolves have to say?" Sirius whispered from the sofa, he was currently stuck there because Astra had fallen asleep on his lap while reading. the full moon was two days ago and she's still so sluggish we're both getting worried. so i sent off a letter seeking advise from the letovian council on how to help Astra because both me and sirius were scared. we didn't wanna show it, but she was too tired for a kid her age, evening me at her age i bounced back after the moon pretty quickly. 

"she send on some recipes for some things to help with the pain. they think it's a mix of the normal full moon side affects and just over use of magic" i sighed walking over and sitting on the arm of the sofa, running my hand through his hair "you, need a hair cut"

"Sorry, i've only been in azkaban for twelves years, i forgot to ask the dementor's to gimme a hair cut between them ripping away all my happiness" Sirius laughed rolling his eyes at me before looking back down at our little girl who was shivering in her sleep. "I'm worried about her moony"

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