13. The Five Alphas - Astra

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August 1993

"Ah here they are now!" Dumbledore called out as we stepped through the fire place. my grip on Daddy's hand tightened as i noticed five strangers huddled in the far corner of his office. Their eyes all staring at me. i didn't like that all eyes were on me. 

"Albus" Daddy greeted the older wizard, "Astra, no need to be shy say hello"

I mutter a hello under my breath, looking down at my shoes to avoid looking at the grown wolves that's were gathered on the other side of the room. they weren't our pack. i don't know if they could be trusted. if they should be trusted. they looked strong, like Alpha's, their scentsd were a give away. They were Alphas, all of them. None of them were from the same pack that was clear. Looking up, i looked at them for the first time. really looking at them and their interactions. None of them truly trusted each other, or dumbledore for that manner. 

"Shall we carry on with introductions, i do believe Astra has a long day ahead of her" Dumbledore chimed rubbing his hands together with subtle excitement. I don't think daddy picked up on this. 

Dumbledore lead up further into the room as one of the wolves approached us, he was tall and seemed strong. Very intimidating based on his size alone. His long hair was a dirty blonde colour and hung down his back loosely, with some braids on the side of his head keeping back some of the hair. He was tanned, he must spend his time outside cause i could smell the sea off his hair and clothes. He had warm blue eyes, that studied me curiously. I  could tell he was trying to size me up, usually i'd be scared but something in me told me not to show my fear so i stood tall, letting go of Daddy's hand and walked closer to the man not breaking eye contact. 

we didn't say anything. we didn't need to. Our wolves did the talking for us. I can't explain it but i know thats what happened. He dropped to one knee and bowed his head, leaving his neck exposed to me. "M'lady, Ragnar Farkas of the Hungarian packs" He stated in a rugh accent before returnong to his full height and backing away. 

As he backed away an older woman, he looked to be the same age as Dumbledore, with curlly white hair that fell as far as her hips, wild yet controlled. she'd tanned skina nd warm chocolate eyes and a soft smile yet despite her age she looked far stronger than dumbledore. It must be her wolf giving her strenght was the only thing i could think of. Like Regnar, the woman walked towards me not breaking eye contact, she took in every detail of my smaller body as if she was searching for the answer to something. what, i don't really know. i'm not even thinking i'm just acting how my body is tell me to. i stay standing tall, unmoving and watch her every move. 

Once she is finished looking me over she too drops to the floor witha bench knee "Hola nuestra pequeña luna, i'm Elladora Villalobos of the Spanish packs" She smiled kindly at me before following in Ragnar's footsteps walking back towards the wall while a man much younger than the other came forward. 

He'd choppy black hair and a posture similar to Daddy. he was tall and lanky too. He was more timid than the others but still strong. His scent was stronger than the others, pine and rainfall. He clearly lived near a forest. he stood the longest in front of me, watching my every move, till he circled me. i dunno why but my inner wolf didn't like that move and before i could stop it, a low growl escaped my lips. he was testing me. mother used to do the same thing, only this time i knew he couldn't hurt me. daddy wouldn't let him. the other alpha's wouldn't let him. He was curious, too curious and i didn't like it. when my growl wasn't enough to stop his circling, i can't expalin it. it shouldn't have happened. the moon wasn't out but i felt threatened, My wolf took over and i left my body shift. Unlike during the full moons, it didn't hurt, it was more like the feeling when you sat on your leg for too long while reading and it goes all fuzzy. 

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