23. Home away from home - Astra

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"I didn't mean to blow her up.Honestly! I just... lost control." a voice exclaimed outside the door to the small compartment we were in waking me from my nap. Grumpily, I snuggled back into Daddys chest hoping to fall back asleep.

A second somewhat familiar voice replied with an energetic "Brilliant."

Did boys have to be so loud? Didn't they see were were sleeping. Its rude to mess with someone's sleep.

"Honestly, Ron, it's not funny." A girl's voice explained. Opening my eyes slightly rubbing the sleep from them i spotted a familiar head of Red hair. The girl, was glaring at him. "Harry was lucky not to be expelled."

The boy beside Ron, ran a hand through his messy black hair with a fake laugh replied "I think I was lucky not to be arrested actually."

Ron seemed to be pouting, not happy to be told off by the small curly haired witch. "I still think it was brilliant"

I noticed her look in the window of the compartment and hid my head into Daddys chest pretending to be asleep again as the door opened slowly.

"Come on. Everywhere else is full." She sighed. A small plop sound followed as she sat down across from where Dady and Papa were sitting.

I could feel eyes on us, studying us. I felt like I was back under mither gaze. A part of me really wanted to cry. When i heard Ron whisper "Who do you think that is?"

Really? Were we that forgettable? Ron i literally turned your rat into a person in your kitchen with daddy in the same room. You'd think that'd be something worth remembering.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." The girl stated as though it was obvious.

Ipening my eyes slightly to peek at our new companions, I noticed Ron sitting across from.daddy near the window staring at the others with his mouth open in surprise. "Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything?"

No wonder that man was able to hide with him for so long, Ron was a bit... wjatsbthe phrase Daddy has used 'slow on the uptake' whatever that truly means, I think it means slow.

"It's on his suitcase, Ronald." The girl.sighed tiredly. I would be tired too if I had to put up with him all the time.

"Oh. Well.i knew he seemed familiar, mum.knows him the wee tot on his lap is Astra. Mum loves her, so do charlie and the twins. Bloody brilliant she is, she's a...metamorph-soemthing. Its wicked!" Ron chimed, probably happy to be contribute without seeming silly.

"Metamorphmagus, Ronald. Honestly do you pay attention at all?" The girl sneered.

"Wonder what he teaches?" said Ron.

"That's obvious," whispered the girl. "There's only one vacancy, isn't there? Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Both of them" the other boy asked.

"Possibly?" The girl questioned.

"Well, I hope he's up to it," said Ron doubtfully. "He looks like one good hex would finish him off, doesn't he? Wonder who his friend is?"

After a few moments the by with the Black messy hair coughed. "Do you think he's really asleep?"

"Seems to be. Why?" The girl asked.

"And the other guy?" He asked, ignoring her question.

"Both seem to be out cold to me mate" Ron replied.

The Black haired boy, Harry jumped up and locked the door to the compartment, turning to his friends. "I gotta tell you something."

Gosh this was defiantly something I shouldn't be hearing. There was an awkward silence that lingered in the air. No one speaking.

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