45.The Shrieking Shack - Astra

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April 1994

The months since Christmas had been quiet filled with lessons and adventures around the castle inbetween.  It felt as though the world was waitingbfor something... something to implode but in the meantime there was peace.

"Come on slow poke!" Artemis teased racing ahead of me towards Hagrid's.

"No fair you cheated!" I yelled after her running as fast as my feet could carry until suddenly I felt as though I was floating. Looking down I noticed my feet nolinger touched the ground and in there place was whirling white steam. Started I jumped coming to a startled stop infront of Artemis who ran straight into me.

"What was that?" She queried in awe. Her bug silver eyes looking at me with wonder.

"I dunno" I mumbled confused by my new ability. "I've never managed that before"

"You should tell one of the council members maybe they can teach you to use it properly."

Shrugging I turned and walked the remainder of the way towards hagirds little hut. Artemis matching me stride for stride.

Lying among the pumpkin patch infront of the small hexagonal hut was Buckbeak.  Laying almost deflated and depressed. Something in the air didn't feel right. Something was unbalanced. Something, was very wrong.

Hesitantly I looked to artemis as she knocked on the door. The sound of shuffled feet and a falling pot echoed from within before the door opened and hagrid peaked out.

"Oh! Astra, Artemis. I wasn't expecting ya. Com'in, 'Arry, Ron and 'Mione are already 'ere" he stated semi-merrily but I noticed he had tears in his eyes.

"Hagrid is something wrong?" I wondered .

"Malfoys won the case, the ministry have sentenced Buckbeak to death. Theyre on their way to complete the sentence" hermione explained sadly.

"They can't do that!" Artemis yelled turning to hagrid with wide eyes. "Buckbeak wouldn't hurt a fly unless provoked and Draco provoked him! The whole school knows that!"

"The blonde gits have more money than sense" hermione muttered under her breath too quiet for most to hear.

Looking to Artemis we both struggle not to laugh at Hermiones irritation. As hagrid let's out a giant sob that echos across the lake.

It was fair.

Nothing was ever fair  or easy.

I knew in my heart I had to do something. I needed to help.

"Don't worry I can fix this!" I stated before turning and running towards the edge of the forest.

"Astra! Astra wait!" I heard Harry call  after me.

"Astra come back!" Hermione yelled.

"JUST WAIT THERE IM GONNA FIX THIS!" I yelled over my shoulder before willing myself to shift into my wolf form. Leering through the air I landed on four paws just through the tree line of the forbidden forest.

I could fix this. I knew I could. I could feel it in my magic. The magic around me called out for balance.

The malfoys couldn't get away with hurting Buckbeak.

They couldn't get away with more cruelty.

Lord Malfoy had already gotten away from kidnapping me earlier in the year with a slap on fhe wrist and a fine after flashing his band account. Two weeks in azkaban...that's all he'd gotten as there was no proof he'd hurt me unlike mother and Pettigrew...he was still at large...my magic had been screaming out for months. Begging for balance. For compensation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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