Chapter 25

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Willow got up about an hour after Ash had come in and shook Gen awake. "Wake up! I'm bored!" She shouted.

"Then go hang out with Ash. His friends like you, you bake for them." She groaned. "I'm still tired."

"Fine, bye. Be back later." Willow said and left, taking a few things with her. She went down the hallway and knocked on Asher's bedroom door.

"Asher! I'm bored!" She shouted. Asher opened the door.

"What do you want me to do about that?" He asked.

"Could we go see the boys? It's been awhile since i've seen them."

"I guess, go wait by the door. I'll be there in a few." He said and closed the door. Willow ran down the stairs and waited for him to come down.

Asher came down and they drove to a small house across town. Willow ran up to the door and knocked. A boy with soft brown eyes and chestnut hair opened the door. Willow noticed he was wearing a pikachu onesie and giggled.

"Oh, hey Willow. Ash didn't say you were coming too." He said with a soft smile. "Come on in." He said and slunk away from the door. Willow immediately went to the kitchen and started making chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. About an hour later Willow had finished the cookies, Keiran's boyfriend, Lucian, had woken up, and everyone was watching Bambi.

When it was over, they built a pillow fort. Willow put the last pillow in place and her phone rang. She picked it up and saw it was her brother.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey, have you seen Oliver?" Will asked.

"Yesterday, at like 10 am. But not since then."

"Could you try to get a hold of him? He's not answering me."

"Ok, love you."

"Love you." Will said and hung up. Willow found Oliver's contact and called him. No answer. She tried again but went to voicemail. "Hey, I'm gonna go to a friend's house. Be back in a little." Willow calls to the boys. A chorus of 'goodbye's and 'be safe's follow her out the door.

Willow finds her way to Oliver's apartment and knocks on the door. When no one answers she gets the key from under the mat and opens the door. Everything is perfect. Either he had a mental breakdown or someone was here, Willow thinks. She looks around every room, nothing to say someone was there.

She goes down the stairs to Mrs. Carol's apartment and knocks. The old lady answers the door with a smile. "Hello, Willow. How can I help you?" She asks.

"Did you happen to see anyone go into Oliver's apartment recently?"

"Oh, yes. A girl around 20 went in there. I asked her who she was and told me she knew you."

"Did you catch her name?"

"It was a plant. Um... Oh! It was Calantha."

"Thank you. I have to go now. Have a nice day." Willow says and runs off. Once she's a good distance away she pulls out her phone and calls Calantha. "Where are you right now?" She asks.

"With Aries. Why?" Calantha asks.

"Give him the phone."

"Um, he's busy."

"No, he's not, I looked at his schedule. He literally wrote down he was going to watch tv. Where's Oliver?"

"Where do you think he is?" Calantha hung up.

Willow calls Will. "He's dead."

"Wait, what?"

"Calantha killed him. Aries thought he killed Thomas. I wouldn't be surprised if he did either."

"Oh. Ok."

"You gonna be ok?"

"I guess. Bye Wills."

"Bye." Willow hung up. She thought back to her conversation with Calantha. There was leaves rustling, birds singing, and water crashing onto rocks. There's only one place with water on that time of day.

When Willow got to the park she went to the waterfall. There was always a wolf there, waiting to attack so no one ever went there unless they knew a magical creature or were on themselves. Calantha was there, petting the animal and giving it treats. Willow pulled out her knife and walked up to her silently. But before she could act Calantha turned and shot her with a gun. The wolf ran away, startled by the noise.

"Sorry, I don't feel like dying today." She said. Willow held a hand to where she was shot in the middle of the chest.

"Well neither did I, guess we both have bad luck." Willow pulled out her own gun and shot Calantha.

~The End~

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