Chapter 18

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"What have you come to yell at me about now?" Aries asked as he sat down.

"Why are you putting Willow out on missions? You remember what happens when she reaches her limit, don't you?" Genesis asked. Aries nodded.

"Yes, I remember. But, the sad thing is, I don't really care. She swore to stay with us forever and that's exactly what she'll do."

"Then why do you give her all of these little speeches about being sorry, when they just waste time? If you don't care, don't give her false hope. You know that the only reason she does this is because she wants to be noticed, loved." Aries sighed.

"Is that all you have to tell me? You don't think I know that I'm a horrible person for telling her that I love her? You don't think I know that? I do, but you have to make sacrifices in life." He ran a hand through his hair. Genesis looked at him.

"I want to believe that you regret it, but I can't. If you regretted it, you wouldn't do it anymore. Thank you for your time, I can show myself out." She said and got up. She walked down the hallway to the door to find Thomas and Lily laughing at something Poison said.

"Oh, hello Genesis. How did it go?" Poison asked.

"Fine, but I never got the address. Oh well, if I know Willow she's probably just about done." She said. "Come on girls, we need to introduce you to my parents."

"Aw, but I want to stay with Matt," Lily whined. "He's funny and weird like me."

"Fine, stay here. But this is where you'll have to sleep too. And if you're not coming, there's no point in going to my parents because Poison is going back to Faerie. I'm going somewhere, nobody follows me. Got it?" Lily nodded but Thomas and Poison just stood there. "Got it?" Genesis asked again. They both nodded and Genesis turned and left.

Genesis' destination was an abandoned building about 5 blocks from her house. She and Willow had made their secret hideout there, not caring about how dangerous it was. Once part of the roof had fallen on Willow's leg and broken it they never returned. All of their things were still there.

Genesis picked up a piece of paper covered in dust and shook it off. It was a list of what they had wanted to add. Some hammocks, a slide, some snacks. She smiled and put down the paper. She looked up and wondered what the building looked like before it had caught fire.

"Dear, I thought you promised to stay away from this place." Said a voice from one of the gaps in the wall.

"I've promised many things dad, most promises get broken," Genesis said and turned to him. "Oh, it's you. You are not my dad, just the person who helped me be created. What do you need now Grayson? You could have just asked me while I was at your house."

"No, I couldn't have. This is only for your ears." Genesis told him to speak. When he was done, she was horrified.

"How could she have done that? I thought she was a human like me." Aries shook his head. "You have some explaining to do, but it can wait until I hear from Willow," Genesis said and walked toward him.

"What are you going to do about it?" Aries asked. She shrugged. "I'm surprised you didn't discover it earlier, how upset are you on a scale of one to ten?"

"Somewhere around 100." She smiled. "I'm guessing you had some good news for me too?"

"You know me too well," Aries smiled. "I have decided that I'll start leaving you alone. I won't try so hard to be part of your life."

"Oh, really? I never thought that you would give up. You don't have to give up, I think I'm starting to get used to you, dad." She said and hugged him. "Who knows, maybe I'll come live with you."

"Nyx, do you really have to do this? Can't we just talk it out?" Darrien asked. Willow sighed.

"Yes, I'm sorry. And because I like you, my real name is Willow. Very few of my victims know that name, consider yourself lucky." She said and pulled out her dagger. "This will only take a second, almost no pain." Willow then stabbed his throat.

She cleaned off her knife and texted Dominic and Thomas. Her dress wasn't messed up so she went back downstairs to the bar.

"I'm guessing he's gone?" Oliver asked when she sat down next to him. Willow nodded.

"I think I still have four chances before it happens again. Hopefully, I don't have to do more than that. If I do you'll help, right?" She looked him in the eyes.

"I would never let my best friend's sister go around killing random people, even if I don't like her that much. It's part of the code, along with never dating the younger sister. And we can't forget what happens when it's over." Oliver said.

"Thank you, Olive. Well, I gotta go. My men should be here soon. Love you, I'm glad I can count on you like a brother." She said and went to Darrien's study to wait.

"Hey, Wills. How many more you got?" Thomas asked when he got there.

"I think four, maybe less. But Olive was here so I talked to him about it. Don't worry."

"Oliver was here? But isn't he a warlock, I thought they hated vamps." Willow nodded.

"Yeah. Apparently, he has a friend who supplied him with an invite." Willow told him. "Come on, let's get outta here. There's too many people." She went down the stairs and out the door to the truck. Dominic was waiting for her and gave her some water.

"Drink, you can't be dehydrated." He said when Willow gave him a questioning look. She did as asked and they sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Where's Thomas? He doesn't usually take this long." Willow said. Dominic shrugged. "Go find him, I'll call Aries." Dominic got out and went inside the mansion. Willow pulled out her phone.

"Willow? Where are you? I tried to convince Grayson to give me the address of where you were going but he refused. Are you ok? Did you already kill that guy?" Asked the person on the other side, they sounded like a girl.

"Who is this? Where's Aries?" Willow asked.

"It's Gen. Tell me where you are! I need to come help."

"Gen? Why do you have Aries' phone?"

"Father-Daughter bonding time. He fell asleep and his phone started ringing so I answered it."

"Father-Daughter bonding? You're Aries' daughter? He told me that I knew his daughter, but I never thought it would be you. Does this mean you're a vampire like him?"

"Maybe? I don't know. I hope not. Oh, he's awake. Bye Willow."

"Bye Gen."

"Willow, is something wrong?" Aries asked, his voice groggy from sleep.

"Yeah, Thomas never came back out. Dominic is looking for him right now and I wanted to ask you what to do."

"Did you see anyone you knew there?"

"No... wait, Oliver was there. But he wouldn't do that, he knows that you guys are like family to me."

"Willow, I'm sorry to tell you that people do stupid things when they think they're helping. He has been trying to get you to leave for a long time, this is him taking action. I'll find you someone else to work with. And tell Dominic to get out of there before he's dead too." Aries said and hung up.

Willow let silent tears stream down her face as she texted Dominic. He came running out of the building.

"Are you ok Wills?" He asked her. Willow nodded and wiped her tears.

"Yeah, let's go. Aries says he's gonna get someone else." Dominic started the truck and drove off.

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