Chapter 6

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"W-what do you mean 'daughter'?" Willow asked. "You're not my dad. My dad is Eli Bell. And I don't think you are a girl, so you couldn't be my mom. Besides, she has blonde hair and green eyes like me."

"I'm not your biological dad, but I did make you." The man said.

"What do you mean? I'm some sort of science experiment?"

"Yes, Miss Bell. And please don't ask for the story." He added when Willow opened her mouth to speak.

"Ok, but what's your name?" Willow asked

"My name is Theodore Maxwell. You can call me Theo, Theodore, Max, or Mr. Maxwell."

"Okay, Mr. Maxwell. If you don't mind me asking, are you an experiment too? I was just wondering because I've never seen anyone with cat eyes." Theodore laughed at this and his eyes sparkled with happiness.

"No, I am not an experiment. I am a warlock, just like you."

"Willow? Are you in here?" Genesis asked as she and James walked into the teacher's lounge. "Oh my gosh!" Genesis exclaimed.

"What? What's wrong?" James asked with worry in his voice.

"They have a coffee pot! Do you want some?" Genesis asked James.

"We are looking for your best friend and you're asking me if I want coffee?" James shook his head. "You are weird."

"Thank you. Here's your coffee." Genesis said and put a warm cup in his hand. "I know you like it black with three sugars, don't worry."

"Can I ask why you know that?" James asked.

"Willow used to stalk you, she told me everything she learned every day. That was probably the least horrible fact about you I learned." She said and sipped some of her coffee. "She knows where you live, your favorite restaurant, favorite café. What your favorite color, number, band, song, album, shirt, and pants are." Genesis looked stricken.

"Why did she stop?" James was drinking his coffee very slowly so that way they could talk longer.

"She realized it was bad. Saw something that she shouldn't have seen. Please don't make me say it."

"Can you give me a hint?"

"She somehow went to your sister's room instead of yours and saw her with her boyfriend," Genesis said and drank the rest of her coffee.

"Oh, umm, oh. Were you told details?"

"Details? Ha. Luckily, no. She kept that to herself." Genesis said.

"Why did you tell me this?" James asked.

"Because she stopped so suddenly, why do you think she stopped?"

"Umm, the reason you said?"

"Nope. That never happened. She gave up on you. Never thought you'd notice her." Genesis looked at the ground. "That day she cried for so long. Every time she was in class with you, you never talked to her. She thought she was invisible to you."

"Oh, I did notice her. I actually had a crush on her the first day of school. I just never thought I would live past meeting her brother."

Genesis laughed. "You had a better chance of living by meeting him compared to ignoring her. But that's all in the past." Gen looked James in the eyes. "She doesn't like you anymore. The only reason you guys are together is that she feels bad for you. Remember that next time you're with her. And I found this note." She held out a piece of paper.

"What?" Willow laughed. "You're hilarious. I know that warlocks are fake. Are you wearing contacts or something? Is Gen behind this?"

"Mrs. Bell, I guarantee that this is no joke. You are a part warlock." Theodore said.

"What other beings are real? Are there vampires and werewolves?"

"No, neither of those are real. But there are faeries, dragons, elves, and warlocks. I have brought the leaders here to meet you. You may show yourself" He called out and four people came out. Willow immediately looked to a lady with glowing scarlet wings and horns that could have been made of pearls. Her pitch-black eyes stared at Willow with excitement. Cloudy hair whipped around her scaly ivory skin that shimmered in the lighting. She was wearing what looked like a wedding dress. She gave a beautiful curtsy.

"Hello dear. My name is Madam Vivnyn. I am so very happy to meet you." She put a golden crown set with scolecite in Willow's hands.

"Nice to meet you too," Willow said. Madame Vivnyn grinned showing shiny pointy teeth.

"Don't go scaring the child now Vivnyn. She can't hurt you." Said another lady who had mauve skin. Willow gasped when she saw the lady's pure black eyes. "Don't worry dear, none of us are going to hurt you. My name is Poison Honeyclover, I'm the Faerie Queen." She explained as she pulled one of the rosewood coloured flowers out of her seaweed hair and handed it to Willow.

"Why do you give your subjects the same gift every time you see one? Faeries are so bland, unlike us regal dragons." Vivnyn told Poison.

"I give people the same thing so that way everyone is an equal. And you're just a suck-up. Giving people-" Poison was cut off by Theodore.

"Stop arguing in front of Miss Bell. We have so little time but so much to do." He said.

Poison lifted up her ball gown and moved to sit on the bed next to Willow. "I apologize my dear. This argument has been going on centuries. Is there anything I can get you?" She asked in a sweet voice.

"Who's the suck-up now," Vivnyn muttered.

"Actually, yes. Can you tell me who they are?" Willow asked, pointing to the two figures in the shadows. They both stepped out wearing blue. There was a boy and a girl. The girl had wavy, thistle-coloured hair in a crown braid. Her indigo eyes, surrounded by golden eyeshadow, matched her cape. Her cape had golden accents and was about knee length. She was also wearing a big, poofy powder blue dress that ran into the boy next to her. He looked almost exactly the same, but instead of a dress, he wore a very expensive-looking suit.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Bell. My name is Gaeleath Eilna, and this is my sister Ilthuryn Eilna." The boy said, bowing with a flourish. "We are the oldest of the council siblings. The others needed to hold a meeting with all citizens in misto-kyf so they could not join us."

"What's misto-kyf?" Willow asked.

"Misto-kyf is the elven capital." Ilthuryn answered. "And I can see you're confused about us being siblings. You thought we were married, didn't you?" Willow nodded. "Well, we are married, but just because we are the oldest of two families. Traditionally, the oldest children from two or three families marry to create a council of six where everyone is related. But none of us marry for love."

"That's... um... different," Willow said.

"I think you mean messed up. What if they do love each other? They have to ignore that. And they can't have children either. No kids and no love, it sounds like a nightmare." Madame Vivnyn said.

"Madame Vivnyn!" Theodore said. "You know you're not supposed to judge other people's laws and way of life. We had a meeting about it last week. If you can not hold your tongue, you will have to return to the citadel." He turned to Willow. "I'm sorry my dear. Ilthurryn, Gaeleath, would you like to give her your gifts?"

"Oh, yes. I almost forgot I had those." Ilthuryn said as she grabbed a large basket from behind her. Inside there was sweets, something that looked like blue cinnamon, some potions and creams, and clothes. "The clothes are traditional in our capital, just in case you ever want to visit."

"Thank you. But, why am I getting so many gifts?"

"Because you are of legends," Theodore said.

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