Chapter 11

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When Willow awoke she was in a field of wildflowers with Julian laying next to her. "You are a jerk." She grumbled and rubbed her head where he hit her. "And what kind of thing are you? And why am I here?"

"It's not very nice to call people names, and I am a dragon. You are here because I need you to see my queen." Julian said, staring up at the sky.

"Madame Vivnyn? Why do I need to see her today, we just met yesterday." Willow said.

"You know my queen? How?" He asked sitting up.

"Well, yesterday I met all of the leaders. Vivnyn was among them, she seems very nice." Willow said and started making a flower crown.

"Interesting. I have a question, why weren't you surprised when I told you I was a dragon?"

"Well, I kinda thought that since you were adopted you would be different. And I realized, there must be some magical creatures living among the humans." Willow explained.

"Interesting. Ok, come on. We have to go see Vivnyn still." Julian said as he got up.

"No. I am staying here." Willow told him and laid back down.

"Stop acting like a child and come with me." He demanded. Willow ignored him and started singing her ABCs. "Get. Up. Now." She sighed dramatically and got up.

"This way." He said and started walking.

The dungeon was very damp. Very damp. Genesis looked around. Most of the things in the room were moldy. There was another girl in the room. She appeared to be asleep. Gen was going to wake her up but decided not to, it would be rude. Instead, she found a spot on the ground that was pretty clean and lay down, falling asleep in a few minutes.

James went to the library to get Willow for school but she wasn't there. "Persephone, have you seen Willow?" He asked his sister.

"She isn't in the library?" James shook his head. "Did you check the kitchen? Oh, she likes books, maybe she and Julian are talking. Go check his room." Persephone said. James went to Julian's room and the kitchen. No luck. Maybe she found out that... No, we do a good job at hiding that. James thought, he was getting worried. He decided to ask his parents and Gorge. They hadn't seen her either.

"Are you sure?" James asked his brother. Gorge shook his head. "Have you seen Julian?"

"Yeah, he said he was going to go talk to the queen." Once James heard this he ran off immediately.

"Welcome to the Albus Citadel," Julian announced and they walked into a giant castle that was a blinding pearl white.

"Why is it so bright?" Willow asked.

"White is the official colour of dragons," Julian said. "And we're in Wales. There's a reason My family speaks Welsh." He told Willow when she opened her mouth to speak again.

"Oh, is James a dragon too?" Willow asked. Julian laughed.

"No, he is a human and adopted like me. The rest of my family and I are dragons though."

"Do you remember your real parents?"

"A little bit. My mom was a lot like you. She was really shy but brave when she needed to be. And she loved books, our library was twice the size of the Lewis'. Sadly all the books were lost to the fire." Julian said.

"Fire?" Willow wanted to know everything she could about this family.

"That's how my parents died. My dad was drunk when he came home. My mom called him out for cheating a few days before. He denied it and said that she was lying, then he hit her. I think there were candles everywhere because the power had gone out. She fell into a circle of them. Then I knocked over a vase next to where I was spying on them. My dad pulled out his gun and pointed it at me. My mom threw some stuff at him and told me to run. Then she set the house on fire. I came back the next day to see all of our belongings gone, and neither of my parents alive." Julian's eyes were glossed over and threatening to spill.

Willow gave him a big hug. He was a little surprised at first but hugged her back tightly letting silent tears fall. He let go of her and bowed. "Thank you, my queen." He said. Willow looked at him confusedly.

"What do you mean by queen? I thought Vivnyn was your queen." She said.

"Yes, but you are a queen higher than her. You are the queen of all mystical beings, I don't know how I didn't realize before." He looked up at her. "I have read legends about how you were created."

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