First Dystopian Crime

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Your POV

Henry, Jasper, Charlotte, Jackson, chars boyfriend, Ava, and I have been living in Dystopia for a few weeks. We've been fighting crime a lot so far. Jaspers getting better at his fighting while sleeping, and also Spanish, and Ava is getting better at her self defense in her sleep, and also gymnastics. We're all at base right now. Charlotte and Ava set up computers to help us know when there's crime to be fought. Henry and I have our own bedroom. I moved out of my apartment but Ava still has her Swellview house and  her Aunt Alyssa still pays her house bills as she was doing before. Jasper and Ava share a room together. We sometimes catch them making out and almost taking each other's clothes off. Charlotte and I mostly stop Ava while Henry stops Jasper.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Emergency call!" Charlotte says, going up to the computers.

"What's happening?" Henry asks.

"There's a crime at the...." Ava types.. "abandoned house on the abandoned road?"

Henry and I take out our bubbles from our containers and blow a bubble. Charlotte blows her bubble and puts her purple curls in a ponytail. Ava blows her Bubble and changes into her outfit. We head out of base and head to the abandoned house


Henry and I walk carefully to see a person in dark clothing waiting.

"Who is that?!" I whisper yell.

Charlotte, Jasper, and Ava went around. Jackson had to stay back because he is being trained.

"I have no idea but they're up to no good!" Henry whispers.

We slowly walk. I stumble a little and fall on top of Henry. He blushes and pulls me to my feet.

I walk slowly and I talk to my wrist that Charlotte can hear from her ear piece.

"Hey char! You can go and jump out now," 

"Thanks y/n" Charlotte says.

Henry and I hide behind a podium while Charlotte, Ava, and Jasper jump out. 

"Help! Somebody help us!" Henry and I hear screams from another room.

"Henry, let's go see what that is," I say and Henry nods.

We run towards the hall ad hear the screams get louder.

"Help! Someone help us!" 

"Who's there! This is Snow girl and Force boy,"

(Those names came out of nowhere)

"Help me! Please! Dark shadow took me hostage!" 

"D-Dark Shadow?" I mutter.

Henry looks at me with concern.

Third POV

Jasper and Ava are currently sleep fighting Dark shadow and her minions.

"¡Sombra oscura! ¡Dejas a Snow Girl en paz!" Jasper exclaims.

Translation: Dark shadow! You leave Snow Girl alone.

Ava does two front handsprings and punches one of the minions.

(Avas super hero name is Gymnast Girl and Jaspers is Sleep Spanish Boy, these names came out of nowhere 😂 )

"vas a probar tu propia medicina," Jasper says, flipping a minion over his shoulder.

Translation: your gonna get a taste of your own medicine.

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