Eleven | He Left... He Really Left

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The townspeople applaud the prince now becoming the king of his kingdom, they were sad when they heard king Enji died but were happy to see prince Shoto take the throne. Shoto held a party in the castle that was open to everyone, he was going to make his announcement of Katsuki killing the king.

He talked with Momo and Hagakure about a plan, Hagakure will run in with a scroll and interrupt Shoto's conversation. After 'reading' the scroll he'll tell them that Katsuki killed the king, he'll start his recruitment for the war and then proceed to the dragon kingdom. He knew it was foolproof right away.

Shoto chatted amongst noble families and soon Hagakure ran in, everyone's attention went on her as she gave the scroll to Shoto. The room went silent as Shoto 'read' the scroll, he then moved to the front of the room. He stood there and everyone waited, "I'm glad to say we've found my father's killer, it's none other than our old enemy... king Bakugou," the room broke into chatter about the name. "Guards that were at watch that night claimed they saw a figure with spiky hair leaving the castle that night. We'll take action right away, war will be claimed upon the dragon kingdom!"

Cheers were heard throughout the whole castle. Everyone was glad that their new king, Shoto, was going to get revenge on the dragon kingdom. "I'll have a poster come out soon with the recruitment and date for the war, I hope to have some of you fight alongside me," Shoto finally said as he moved away from the front of the room.

He walked over to Momo, "That was great, looks like the kingdom is on our side," Momo said as she began to massage Shoto's heavy shoulders.

"Yes, everything is going according to plan, except for Iida leaving... that wasn't planned," Shoto said as he glared at the ground.

"We can't worry about that, you have a kingdom to take care of and a war to start too," Momo said and Shoto nodded.

"Right, I'm going to my office. Shut the party down, tell them that the war is now too important," Shoto said before he walked away, he walked upstairs to his office and shut the door. He then sat down at his desk and started to make the poster but he couldn't help but think, I'm in the wrong.


Katsuki finished writing a scroll to be delivered to the air kingdom, he was allied with them but he didn't know if they would fight with them. He was just relying on hope, he left his office and gave the scroll to a messenger. Once the messenger left Katsuki noticed Kirishima and Izuku coming back from putting the posters up.

They then sat at the dining table ready for dinner, "Kacchan, when will know when they'll attack?" Izuku asked and everyone's attention went to him.

"We won't, it's why we have scouts to watch for anything. They'll then come and tell us when they've seen them, you'll then send the army out. Make sense?" Katsuki said and Izuku nodded, Izuku was told that scouts went out he just didn't know they would come back to tell them information. "Just remember, the kingdom is your main priority."

"I know Kacchan, it's yours too," Izuku said and Katsuki nodded. Katsuki agreed with what Izuku had said but he had a higher priority, Izuku himself. Since one of Shoto's goals is to get Izuku back, Katsuki couldn't think much other than he needed to protect Izuku.

After dinner they relaxed for the rest of the evening, they decided to converse with Iida and Shigaraki to get to know them better. Izuku also wanted to keep them company, he thought they might've been lonely. But it wasn't long before the greenette fell asleep leaning against Katsuki, so the blonde took the greenette back to their shared room.

He changed the greenette into his pyjamas and tucked him into their bed, Katsuki then placed a kiss on the greenette's forehead. "I'm sorry bunny, I love you lots though," he whispered to the greenette before leaving the room. He made sure the halls were clear before he ran out of the castle, he ran to the stables and got on his horse.

He left the kingdom, he looked at the amount of money he had. "I'll find a place to stay for the night," he took off into the starry moonlit night. Once he reached a town he became pleased that he added a hood to his cape, he got off his horse and threw his hood on. He took the horse's reins and guided him into town, it didn't take long for him to find an inn.

He tied his horse outside the inn then walked in, he walked up to the counter. "A room for the night," he said as the guy at the counter grabbed some keys. Katsuki quickly place the money on the table, he made sure not to use his royal coins. The guy took the coins and gave Katsuki the keys, the blonde then saw the number on the keys.

He went up to his room and unlocked the door, he walked in and locked the door behind him. He immediately crawled into the bed, "It's lonely without Izuku," Katsuki noted feeling the empty spot beside him. "It's necessary though, I have to do this for him."


Izuku stretched as he woke his body up, he looked beside him expecting to see blonde spiky hair. "Kacchan?" Izuku questioned as he looked around the room. Izuku normally woke up before Katsuki and if Katsuki woke up before him the greenette would open his eyes to see the blonde watching him. Izuku quickly got out of bed and put his clothes on, he left the room in a rush.

He went to Katsuki's office expecting him to be at his desk working, but when he opened the door he found no one there. Izuku then started to search the whole castle, "Kacchan?!" Izuku shouted waking people up. He then ran outside, "Kacchan?!" he shouted as he looked all over the castle grounds.

He then ran into town and looked everywhere... he wasn't there, he was nowhere. Izuku walked back to the castle to see Kirishima waiting for him, Izuku was a bit surprised to see him. "You're not with Kacchan?" Izuku asked once he approached him.

"No, what's happened?" Kirishima asked.

"I can't find Kacchan anywhere! It's like he just... left," Izuku said as Kirishima brought the greenette into a hug.

"It's okay, Midoribro. I'm sure he hasn't left, let's go check the stables," Kirishima said as Izuku looked up at him.

"Stables?" Izuku questioned and Kirishima chuckled.

"The horse stables, every kingdom has horses," Kirishima said and guided Izuku to the stables. Izuku then started looking for Katsuki's horse, he saw his which was a nice grey horse. He then saw Katsuki's, there was no horse there. Izuku quickly looked at Kirishima, the redhead then looked at the empty stable.

"He left... why would he leave?" Izuku asked as tears started to leave his eyes.

"Because he's too use to doing this alone, it's okay Midoribro. We should give him some space, he needs to cool his head and maybe he'll come to realize that he needs us too," Kirishima said as he tried to comfort the upset greenette.

"Okay... I wish he would've just talked to us," Izuku said as Kirishima guided him back to the castle.

"I wish he did too..." the redhead said as he looked down.

Word count: 1279

War | Sequel To I Met Him In The Wastelands | A BakuDeku Story |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon