Six | The Plan Begins

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The next morning Iida woke up early and went to the kitchen, he made himself a quick breakfast. Since he was the first one up he had the kitchen to himself so he could make the three visitors breakfast in secret. He made them coffee, bacon, eggs, and toast. A simple breakfast.

He grabbed a large tray and placed three plates and three mugs on it, he grabbed creamer and sugar for the coffee and placed them on the tray too. Once the food was done he put portions onto each plate, the coffee was soon done too and he poured some into each mug. 

He then grabbed the tray and exited the kitchen, he made his way through the castle. He went up the stairs and took a right. He walked down to the end of the hallway, he then knocked on Toya's and Toga's room first.

Toya grumpily opened the door, "What?" he asked in a tired and strict tone.

"Breakfast, sir. Sorry that it's early but the kitchen staff don't know you three are here so they won't make you anything," Iida politely said to the eldest Todoroki son.

"Hm, that's fine as long as there is coffee," Toya said as he took a plate.

"Yes, there is coffee sir," Iida told him.

"Ah, you're a good man Iida," Toya said as he grabbed another plate. He walked into the room and put the plates down, he then came back. He grabbed the creamer and put some into one mug, he then grabbed the sugar and put three teaspoons in the same mug. "Toga likes her coffee sweet, I like mine as black as my soul."

Iida nodded as Toya took the two mugs, he walked inside the room and closed the door behind him. Iida then turned around and knocked on Shigaraki's door, Shigaraki opened the door while scratching his neck. "Oh, Iida. Morning," he said before he yawned.

"Yes, good morning Shigaraki. I have brought you breakfast and coffee, sorry that it's early but the kitchen staff don't know about you three being here," Iida said as Shigaraki took the mug of coffee with four fingers. He grabbed the creamer with four fingers as well, he poured a bit into his coffee.

"Thanks," Shigaraki said as he took a quick sip of the coffee.

"I have a question," Iida said as he looked at Shigaraki's hand.

"What is it?"

"Why do you only use four fingers when touching things?"

"Good question, hold on," Shigaraki placed his coffee back on the tray and went into his room. He came back with a random object, he held it with four fingers. "Watch closely," Shigaraki placed his last finger on the object, it started to turn to dust. "Understand now?"

"Yep, completely understand," Iida said as he looked at the dust pile in fear.

"Now I have a question for you," Iida looked up at Shigaraki as he spoke. "What's your answer to the deal?"

Iida took a moment to get his thoughts in line, he spent a good portion of his night thinking about Shigaraki's offer. He thought about the good things, getting away from Shoto, and not being involved in a war. He thought about the bad things, he's trusting a stranger he barely knows, and he still doesn't quite understand 'I get you'.

Iida let out a deep breath, "I'll take your deal," Iida said and Shigaraki weirdly smiled at him.

"Good choice, I'll come by your room after king Enji is dead. Have a bag packed," Shigaraki said as he took his coffee and breakfast off Iida's tray. He walked into his room and closed the door behind himself, Iida then held the tray in one hand as he rubbed his head.

"I hope I made the right choice," Iida said as he started to make his way back to the kitchen to clean his mess up. He didn't want the kitchen staff to get suspicious at the used dishes.


Throughout the day Shoto and Momo talked with Toya, Toga, and Shigaraki about the plan. Iida stood next to Shoto the whole time and Shigaraki wasn't taking his eyes off Iida. The plan was developed and was set to take action that night once king Enji went to bed.

The day went on and Iida brought lunch and dinner to the three visitors. It then wasn't long before Enji knocked on Shoto's office door, "I'm going to bed now Shoto, I hope by now you've forgotten the war idea," he said as he opened the door.

"Of course, I did father. Go sleep well," Shoto said to him with a half-smile. Enji nodded and closed Shoto's office door, Shoto groaned and rolled his eyes once the door shut. "Iida, go tell Toya that the plan is starting," Shoto leaned back in his chair, not even looking at Iida.

"Right, I'll be back with them, sir," Iida said but before he could the room Shoto corrected him.

"You don't need to bring them back here, just tell what I said to Toya and then you're dismissed for the night," Shoto corrected Iida, Iida nodded and left the room. He walked down the hallway to the last two rooms, he knocked on Toya's door.

"Yeah?" Toya said as he opened the door, Iida could see Toga peeking her head around the corner.

"Prince Shoto has a message for you, he says that the plan is starting," once the words left Iida's mouth Toya smirked. Toga silently squealed as she ran around the room and came back with a knife. Toya then walked past Iida and opened Shigaraki's door without knocking first.

"Oi! Crust-face, the plan's in effect. Let's go," Toya said as Shigaraki came out glaring at Toya. Shigaraki then noticed Iida who stood in the hallway, he smirked at him.

"You two go ahead, I'll meet you there," Shigaraki said and they just left without saying or looking at him. "You should go pack, we'll be leaving after this. I already have my things packed, where do you want to go?"

"Wait, you're letting me choose?" Iida asked as the almost white-haired male chuckled at Iida's surprised expression.

"Yes, why not?" Shigaraki said as Iida took a moment to think about where to go.

"I want to go to the dragon kingdom first then I want to go to the animal kingdom," Iida told Shigaraki who was a bit taken back by Iida's choices.

"So why to king Bakugou's domain?" Shigaraki asked as Iida looked at him confused.


"Yeah, Katsuki Bakugou became king a few days ago."

"Oh, well... I want to warn them about prince Shoto's plan."


"I've always cared for Midoriya, he was always nice to everyone in the castle no matter their status. If he chose king Bakugou over prince Shoto then king Bakugou must not be as bad as he seems to be."

"True, then why king Keigo's domain after?"

"His kingdom is by the sea and is such a calm and safe place to live, it's also far from the Todoroki kingdom."

"Good, I actually have a couple of friends that live there. Now go pack, I'll come by your room when I'm done."

Iida nodded as Shigaraki walked away, Iida was a bit surprised by how nice the almost white-haired male was. Although he did bad things, he was kind to those he wants to be kind to. Iida didn't mind that, he walked to his room and immediately started packing.

Fun fact: I was actually a bit tipsy writing this and the next part... editing this was a pain. There was so many errors and confusing parts lmao. Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1289

War | Sequel To I Met Him In The Wastelands | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now