Four | Last Tactic

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In another castle, in a whole different area of the wastelands was the Todoroki kingdom. A kingdom under a lot of rules yet it was a happy kingdom, at least that was what it looked like from the outside. The inside, not so much.

The prince of the Todoroki kingdom stormed into his father's office, his father wasn't pleased with his action. His father looked up at his son and waited for him to speak, "Father, what do think about having a war?"

The boy's father heaved a heavy sigh, "Shoto, why should we have war? And with whom?"

"The new dragon kingdom! They aren't doing any trades with us so it won't do us any harm, they are also in control of the rebel town again. They have such loose rules on them it's harmful to all of the land. Plus both you and I know how poor the new ruler is, all of the kingdoms know. We shouldn't let the new dragon kingdom stand any longer!" Shoto shouted at his father.

"Shoto, your plan will put our kingdom in harm's path. Going to war won't keep anyone safe, something is clouding your mind. Get rid of it and come back to me," Enji stated before going back to his work.

"Consider it dad! Please, just consider it," Shoto said as he left the office. Standing outside in the hall was no other than Shoto's wife, Princess Momo. She walked up to Shoto with her long dress trailing behind, she brushed his shoulders off.

"Did he not listen?" she asked as Shoto nodded in response. "You should use your last tactic, it'll be more effective than the one you just used."

"Your right," he said as he walked away.

"Where are you going?!" Momo shouted at his back.

"If I come off as too pushy he'll know what we're planning, he'll know I want Izuku and he'll know you want your dragons back," Shoto said which made Momo nod in agreement.

"You're right, my mistake. Let's go have dinner and discuss," she said while she walked beside Shoto. Shoto nodded and opened the doors to the dining hall for Momo, she walked in proudly. The servants got to work instantly which made Momo laugh a bit, Shoto came in after her and they soon got to work on discussing what they needed to do to get what they both wanted.

Iida then entered the dining room with two scrolls in hand, he walked up to Shoto and gave one to him. "What's this?" Shoto asked as he took the scroll.

"You asked a few weeks ago for a scroll to be delivered to prince Natsuo and princess Fuyumi, this is one of their replies. I have the other scroll for when you're ready for it," Iida said as he showed Shoto the other scroll.

Shoto smiled and quickly opened the scroll, he then started reading it. His face showed no emotion as he read it, he then closed the scroll and held his hand out ready for the next scroll. Iida gave him the scroll and stepped back, Shoto then read that scroll. After he read the scroll he chuckled and had a smirk on his face, Momo noticed this and curiosity took over her.

"What is it, Shoto?" she asked and he looked at her.

"We have one more tactic that will be our last one," he said as he looked happy.

"And that is?" she asked since Shoto was being vague with her.

"When the day comes I'll tell you but for now, we'll wait," he said and she nodded, they then went on to a different topic. Iida stood there since he was promoted to Shoto's personal assistant, but he didn't like his promotion. Shoto was quite rude to him and he had changed since he lost Izuku, not a good change.

He had been very unhappy, even at his and Momo's wedding he wasn't happy he was fake happy. He would get angry at the littlest things, if Iida had a minor error Shoto would freak out. Momo would at least be able to calm him but he was a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any given moment.

Iida was getting real sick of Shoto's behaviour, he also doesn't like that he was still caught up on Izuku. He had Momo yet he can't get rid of wanting Izuku, Iida felt like that was unfair to Momo. But Shoto and Momo have made a promise that Shoto can have Izuku as long as she gets her dragons back. Iida just felt like there wasn't any more hope for the prince.

Iida wanted to leave but he didn't know where he would go, he wouldn't stay near the Todoroki kingdom but he wouldn't go to the dragon kingdom in case there was a possible war. He was thinking of going far, he was thinking of maybe becoming a guard at the Takami kingdom. He already knew that he probably won't be accepted since he was not part animal like everyone there.

"Why don't we try for our second last tactic in a few days," Shoto suddenly said that got Iida's attention. Momo nodded in agreement, "It's settled then, Iida put it in my calendar," Shoto told Iida. Iida nodded and left the dining room, he entered Shoto's office and wrote SLT on Shoto's calendar.


"Father," Shoto said as he entered his father's office. King Enji looked at his son, he signalled him to take a seat. Shoto did, Enji then waited for Shoto to speak. "I'll be honest, brutally honest. I'm going to blackmail you into creating a war," Shoto said and this interested king Enji.

"Oh? Do you believe you can blackmail me? King Keigo has been trying that for years, give me your best shot," Enji said in return.

Shoto's hands were shaking a bit, he had to intimidate his father with his information. "First of all, I can tell the kingdom how you treated me, Toya, Natsuo, and Fuyumi when we were kids and how you drove Toya away from the kingdom. Second, I can tell them that Rei Todoroki is actually alive and that you sent her away because she was half-dragon. Third, I'll tell them about your hidden trade routes with rebels and them delivering illegal drugs to enemy kingdoms. So, which one would be most effective?"

Shoto glared at his father, Enji wasn't showing any emotions toward Shoto. But then he did and it wasn't what Shoto was expecting, he laughed. "Oh, Shoto. You tried but I'll have you dead before you could even spread that information, blackmail doesn't affect me. Either you give up this weak attempt at trying to start a war or it's your life, choose wisely son," Enji said as his blue eyes pierced through Shoto's skin.

"Right, I'll leave you be then," Shoto said as he quickly got up and left the room. Momo looked at him, he quickly walked over to her and placed his head on her shoulder.

"I take that it didn't go well," she said and Shoto nodded as he kept his head on her shoulder. "What now? The tactic that you haven't told me about?"

"Yes," he said as he got off Momo's shoulder. He walked down the hallway with Momo following, "Iida!" Shoto shouted as loud as he could. Iida came rushing out of his room and came face to face with Shoto.

"Yes, sir?" Iida asked as Shoto tried not to glare at him.

"I want you to send Shindo out to retrieve Toya, I need him for this tactic," Shoto told Iida. Iida nodded and quickly left for the guards living quarters, he opened the doors and startled a few guards that were gambling at a table.

"Where's Shindo?" Iida asked as he walked up to them.

"I believe he's in his room reading," one of them responded. Iida nodded and ran to Shindo's room, he knocked on the door and impatiently waited. Shindo opened the door and looked at Iida confused.

"Get ready, you have a mission," Iida said and Shindo nodded. He closed his door and quickly got into his armour, he opened the door and Iida signalled him to walk with him.

"What's got you in a rush?" Shindo asked as he noticed Iida's impatience.

"This is a request from prince Shoto, I must not get him angry," Shindo nodded once seeing Iida's fear for prince Shoto in his eyes. Iida then briefed Shindo on everything about Toya, he told Shindo where he could find the runaway Todoroki. Shindo then left on his horse after Iida finished telling him everything, Iida went back into the castle and Shoto and Momo were waiting for him.

"Come, Iida, we must discuss this last tactic," Shoto said as he signalled Iida to follow. Iida had a bad feeling about the last tactic, it involved Toya who almost killed the dragon kingdom's new ruler. And Shoto seemed way too happy about it, Iida was not excited.

Word count: 1515

War | Sequel To I Met Him In The Wastelands | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now