Chapter 8: Another heartbreak

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Every family has a cockroach living in the cupboard but it all depends on how well they live with the cockroach in the cupboard.

The Stephenson family isn't a great or an 'ideal' family per say. The family is somewhat divided but not legally or illegally.

The Stephenson family is a family where everyone mostly minds their business not because they don't care but because they're just too busy to show that they care.

Hon Stephenson is a politician who rarely stays home. He always travels and is too busy to make out time to spend with his family.

Mrs Helina, his wife is a businesswoman although she lives with her family she still doesn't have the time to be with them as she ought to.

She goes to the market early in the morning at times before the kids wake up and come home mostly at night when they're asleep.

Michael, Michelle's elder brother lives in Japan. He never called home except for this recent one. Michelle on the other hand lives in school and manages to visit the house once in blue moon.

It's possible to say that she most of the time forgets who her father is and what he looks like because they hardly see each other.

It's either she's in school when he's back home or she's home should he be away. Or maybe they'll either meet when he is about to travel or she's maybe coming back home.

Mira, the youngest of all is the housekeeper. If not for school, she would have been staying all alone every single day in the house.

It was a happy and big memory to withhold for the Stephenson family to all be together at the same time for the first time.

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It's been two weeks since Michelle came back to school. Sampson had called her earlier today to ask her if they could have dinner tonight probably date and she agreed. She had gone to buy a new dress for the date.

In the evening around 19:00, Sampson came to pick her up. The dinner was going so well coupled with the cool breeze that is making the night romantic.

"So tell me more about yourself?". suggested Sampson

"Well," she clears her throat " there's nothing much about me just that I haven't been lucky when it comes to love. Guess maybe I have a problem or something". She said looking down at her food.

"Oh no Michelle, you have no problem you're so beautiful that no man can resist you", he held her hand on his and stroked his thumb at the back of her hand.

"I love you Michelle and I promise to prove to you how lucky you're with love". He smiled as they held eye contact. They began to move closer to each other in motion with their feeling and the tension rising in them.

Just as they were about to... Boom!. "So this is it, Ken?!". Shouted a young lady standing in front of the two startled lovers.

"Ken!" She began again shouting the more "so this is the company interview you're having right, Thai is the reason you left me to be with this thing huh?". She asked furiously staring at Michelle as she points a finger at her face.

"Wha... What...what is she talking about?, Who is she?". Asked confused Michelle.

"Uhm babe, this isn't what you think it what it seems like said Sampson as he stood up going near the furious young lady.

"You see babe, I never left you I'll never do that I came here for the job I told you about, this girl over there is nothing to me, she's just a girl. I bumped into the day before yesterday with so many problems.

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