chapter 3: Heartbreak

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"Yeah I had to believe it" she began again. "It was later that Jennifer told me the whole story of how everything happened, why I like Jennifer is that she never lies, even when the truth is very bitter and hurtful she will still spit it out and tell you to bear with her. She most times over says the truth.

With the story Jennifer told me, I took it that what happened between her and Patrick was kind of a mistake but what broke my heart was when she told me that Patrick said he is using me to pass time. That single sentence 'using me to pass the time I'll never forget it."

"Please water?" she asked stretching forth her hand and this time he brought two bottled water. She opened the first one and finished the whole content. She heaved a sigh of relief "I'm back now, thank you" she said as she threw the bottle in the trash can at the other end of the room.

"Although I did not believe Jennifer with all my heart when she told me the story only I began to believe when Patrick started acting distant and giving me signs and reasons to believe it.

He hasn't called since I came back to school, my birthday came and passed he didn't call, post, text or visited or even a gift, that was when I believed fully that Patrick has left me for real.

I fell sick, like serious sickness that lasted for almost a month and I had to go back home for medications. When I recovered I visited Patrick's shop to confirm the story.

He was happy to see me but I knew that was just camouflage. I asked him if he still loves me and he said he had always loved me and will keep loving me.

I did not believe his reply so I asked him "if you love my Pat as you claim, why then did you cheat on me with my friend, why?" I asked him almost in a sober tone but I tried hard not to cry in his presence.

"Look Mich, it's not really what you think, you see your friend forced me, she seduced me". He said rolling his eyes and looking at god knows where. He is avoiding eye contact.

"Oh really, she seduced you in your room?" I asked him with all boldness. He kept on blinking his eyelashes continuously then he finally spoke.

"Mich, I'm Please forgive me, whatever happened between me and your friend was never my intention. I tried to believe in myself but the temptation was too much, I wasn't myself I just choose the only available option left. I'm sorry".

"Hmm impressive, nice one Pat, you chose the only option left". I just managed to give him a weak smile.

"Okay so why didn't you post, called or even text me on my birthday? Pat, not even a call since I left home, you don't miss me again, this is unlike you, why?". He will always have something to say.

"Oh Mich, you see that day my phone was dead and there was no light. I couldn't do anything with it and my social handles were having slow connections so I uninstalled them". I shook my head and left. What else should I say, he always has an excuse to give.

But as time went on, I still forgive him and we continued our relationship. "You're so good, dear". Said doctor Japhet she smiled and said "I think it was love, 'love is blind' they say".

"Anyways" she continued, "Patrick and I became closer again to the extent that he visits me weekly. In my low mentality I thought Patrick was only visiting me, I never knew he was also seeing Jennifer secretly. I was such a big fool not to know this.

"After my year two examination, I came back home as usual for holiday. During the holiday, I didn't see Patrick and I was worried. His phone has been off. His co-worker is the one in his shop.

I just took it that maybe he travelled to his village and his phone might be off because of power outages in villages. But he should've told me before going. Maybe it was urgent and unexpected I assured myself".

"Please excuse me I want to use the convenience," she asked politely standing up from her chair. "It's the door behind you". Said the doctor will pointing at the door.

She entered the convenience room and did her business, she came out sat down and drank her water heaving a sigh of relief. "I" m' back again, so doc let me continue".

"Yes, it was at the beginning of this year that Patrick came to my house in the school. I still remember everything that happened that evening in his exact words.

That evening, I was lying down on the bed waiting for the nearest sleep to come so I'll catch it when I heard a knock on the door, seeing that the door was open I just shouted 'come in'.

When I saw it was Patrick, I was so happy, very happy. Doc you know this kind of happiness when you see the only one you love after how many months?

I hugged him so tight, I even pecked him "where have you been since last year?". I asked him while pouting.

"I travelled to my village for my grand-uncle's wife's burial" he answered with his cold voice.

"Oh I thought so too, so how did it go?". "Fine, fine and fine". He answered less interested.

"Good, I'm so happy you came to see me, I missed you". I said while lowering my head as I was getting shy. Patrick didn't say anything, I raised my head to read his expression but only to catch him staring at me, he was staring with this feeling I can't tell what it is but it is written all over him, his eyes were little bit darker, his features were changing slowly with each second.

Maybe lust, just saying because that's what I saw and those description matches the one in the books I've read when the situation gets to this point. I couldn't stand his stare so I looked away. That instance, I felt a hand on my waist he drew me closer to himself, and raising my face with his hands he stroked my cheeks I felt a shiver run through my body, and I lost control.

The next thing is damn! He is kissing me... Passionately, and I don't know how but I found myself responding. The kiss got deeper and faster and rougher, he was kissing me with lust but I can't control it, from there he threw me on the bed not breaking the kiss and started caressing my body.

I was lost in this sensation until his hand grabbed my left breast that was when I snapped back to reality. 'What-am-i-doing! immediately I pushed him off me and sat up on the bed.

He was still staring, but this time he came closer and started trailing kisses on my neck down to my shoulder... "Stop! Please stop Pat. I can't do this, not now" I said shifting his head from me.

"Why baby, why? I want you now, I do please let me have you. I have waited for five years for this and I 'm losing control and patience". Patrick said almost in tears I looked at him 'oh he isn't crying. I stood up

"Pat it's time to go, I said 'NO' don't you get it. I thought we had an agreement anyways. I don't want sex before marriage please just go". I said pointing at the door.

"But I'll soon be your husband". That's what he said.

"Soon you said, you are yet to be so wait till then, please leave I need to tidy up my room". He stood up looked at me for a few seconds and left.

Yeah, he left for good. That was how I overcame Patrick that day".

Woo 😯
That was lots of sh*ts that happened there.
My dear Patrick and innocent Michelle.

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