Chapter 22: Realizing the bitter and painful truth

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"So you're really pregnant?" Patrick asked with a raised brow as he stare at the paper in his hand.

"I don't even know, this is the fifth test from the last hospital". She said tiredly.

"Have you ever had sex?" He asked lowly. She looked up at him

"I've got to go now. I have a business dinner tonight". She said and stood to leave but stopped when Patrick held her wrist.

"Michelle, you have to believe this yourself and start taking responsibility of it. You need to start taking care of yourself if really you're pregnant which am sure you are". He said convincely. She stood there thinking whether to stay or just leave but decided to stay.

After visiting the hospitals she thought she needed someone to make her not to believe the papers. "Yes I have had sex" she said bluntly and Patrick shivered memories dared to flow back but he fought them back. Had it been he had been patience enough and never followed Jennifer, he would've been her first and it would've been his child that she's carrying. He swallowed the saliva down his throat causing a sound to erupt.

"With who?" He whispered. She looked at him "Doctor Japhet". He gulped again. He never knew Michelle likes dark guys.

"Did you guys use protection?" Michelle stared blankly and that was when it dawned on her that the possibility of her being pregnant is 100% already.

"No I don't think so" she said as she tried to recall the events of that night. They were both clouded with pleasure and lust and she even remembered Japhet telling her they went four times or something like that the next morning. "I really need to go now" she said and Patrick didn't stop her this time.

As she was leaving, she saw Mira with a guy, taking a closer look she found out that the guy is Jason Victor's brother. But she let it go knowing she has bigger problem to solve.

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She sat down on the floor in her room sulking. 'maybe am really a disgrace as mom said' she thought. Why didn't this part cross her mind that night. She only wanted to give out her virginity but didn't think through its outcome. 'getting pregnant was never part of the plan and where is the Japhet? She picked her phone and dialed his number but his phone was switched off. She sighed.

Now all the things she has feared that might happen and has chosen to ignore is now backfiring. The realization hit her once again. 'Doctor Japhet has taken advantage of her and left her because he knew she might get pregnant'. She cried as she thought if this 'why do they always leave her. This one is hundred times worse than all her heartbreaks.

"Are you okay sis?" Mira asked as she entered the room and saw her sister shouting and crying.

"I am not fucking okay Mira!" Michelle shouted, Mira shooked at her sister's voice.

"What happened?" She asked calmly. Michelle turned to her gripping and shaking her shoulders. "I AM FUCKING PREGNANT WITH JAPHET'S CHILD AND HE IS FUCKING NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!" She said as she slumped down on the floor crying how is she going to do this alone?... Mira shook her head as she started crying with her sister 'why Michelle?...' she thought. She still don't believe that doctor Japhet will do a thing like this.

"Mich, I don't think doctor Japhet will leave on purpose. Why don't you call him..."

"I have fucking called him many times but his phone was fucking switched off" Mira gasped but still stood with her point.

"Then ask Michael, he might know of his whereabout. It's possible he doesn't even know you're pregnant" she suggested. Michelle nodded as she rest her head on her sister's shoulder the only one that really cares and will never leave...


Short chapter yh IK, gonna mk it up in the next chapter I promise (pinky promise)

OML Michelle realized this the hard way. I wonder where doctor Japhet is?

Patrick hahahaha. Am practically laughing at him.

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Love y'all ❤️ ❤️

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