Chapter 1: The Meeting

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"I never knew he would abandon me like that, a 5-year-old relationship. Yes! 5years! ended just like that. Not caring for all that I sacrificed for this relationship, all that I endured still he left me. I could not bear it doctor, No I couldn't". Michelle a 19years old girl said as she waves her head in tears.

"Do you want to know the entire story?". She asked the young doctor sitting in front of her.

"Yeah, if you want to tell me, then I'm all ears", replied doctor Japhet.

"I can still remember vividly how I met that so-called Dog. Yes, that is what he is, an unfortunate dog, Patrick Toby.

That day, I had gone for my regular morning stroll alone as I always do, that was 5years ago. As I was strolling down the major road, I noticed footsteps behind me. I increased my pace and started jogging.

I heard a voice calling "baby please wait..". I turned and saw a boy about the age of 19.

"A minute with you please," said the boy. I turned and nodded in affirmation. He began "I am Patrick Toby, I live next street and I just saw you strolling alone this morning and was attracted to you so I decided to know you. Do you live around the estate?"

"Yes," I said with all meanness. "Okay baby please can I know your name?". At first, I never wanted to tell him but the word left my mouth and I am regretting it now why I let it out.

"Michelle, Michelle Stephenson", I said. "wow! what a lovely name for a beautiful girl like you".

I just replied with "thanks" shyly. "See, Michelle I like you... a lot". He said and I just laughed.

"Just like that you already like me huh," I asked him "yes it happens a lot, it's called love at first sight". He replied smiling.

I caught the word 'love at first sight. I memorized it. "Hm impressive Mr Love at first sight," I said teasing him. He smiled.

"So baby, when are we meeting again," he asked with all seriousness, staring deep into my eyes, "I don't know" I replied nervously then looked at my wrist watch "have got to go now," I said almost in a hurry.

"Okay," he said as he advanced his hands for a handshake. "Thanks for your time Michelle, I hope we'll meet again" I smiled and shook his hand swiftly. "you're welcome Patrick, same here". With that, I began to run back home.

"All through that day, all I was thinking about was Patrick. I was wondering why I wasn't mean to him as I used to be to other boys. I was so calm and shy. I told him my name confidently. Hm, I just don't understand myself again but I controlled my emotions and never allowed that event to take control over me.

Patrick Toby as I have learnt is a young barber who owns 'PATMAN Barbing Salon' opposite my street. He is tall, dark, and handsome with slight pink lips. He's not rich nor is he poor but he can take care of himself.

Pat as I fondly call him is an SSCE holder but couldn't continue his education due to a dearth of money. Patrick is a funny guy and a love-giver as well.

After that day we met, we started talking, became friends and soon we were best of friends from there we grew to become lovers".

"Doctor, do you know what happened next," Michelle asked the doctor. "No please tell me", he replied.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend after one month of us knowing each other, I couldn't say no doctor so I said yes and accepted the fool, I accepted his cursed destiny not knowing I was accepting my heartbreak as well." She searched for her handkerchief and blew her nose then she continued.

"I was fifteen years old, just fifteen doctors when I had my first and only boyfriend Patrick Toby. I guess that was an awful misstep, to begin with.

I and Patrick were just good together. Always happy. we maintained our relationship. I was very faithful and loyal to him and I knew he was also to me as well.

My 16th birthday was the best birthday ever. Patrick bought me a new Android phone as a birthday gift for me. I couldn't take it because I was afraid my parents might ask me how I got it since it was the first-time gift I will be owning that wasn't from them. So he told me to lie to them but he didn't call it a lie he called it a 'defending speech'" she smiled at the last words

'A defending speech' that looks like a lie, Well good news, my parents don't even care. I guess they didn't even notice I had a new phone. she smiled sadly. Doctor Japhet just fixed his gaze on her 'she has a charming smile he said to himself.

"My parents are the busy type, she continued. my father is a popular politician who rarely visits home. He's usually tied down in his schedule so he travels all the time.

My mom is a businesswoman, thick-one for that matter. She deals in clothes, shoes, jewellery and the rest of the sort. She leaves the house as early as 6 or 7, then comes back late at night.

I am the first daughter of my parents. We are three, me, my elder brother Michael and my younger sister Miranda.

Michael my elder brother as at that time was in college studying electrical engineering but now he is in Japan working for a company. It's been over 4 years or less. He never visited or called home.

Miranda my younger sister who I am very fond of at that time, was 9 years old I am older than her by 6 years.

My mom said that she was an unexpected child. She came by mistake that was why the gap was too much, but Michael is just 3 years older than me.

Miranda was the only friend and sister I had then. I hate to associate with people, guess am an introvert. But since I met Patrick, everything changed. I became fond of him".

"Back to my story of I and Patrick, uhm please excuse me I want to use the convenience", she said as she headed to the door behind her.

She came back, and sat down "please doc can I get some water?" She asked politely. He went to the refrigerator on his left side and brought out bottled water and placed it on the table in front of her, "Thanks" she said as she drank the water and kept the remaining on the table.

"So to cut the long story short, she began. I wrote my Secondary School Certificate Examination and Joint Admission and Matriculation Board exam and passed them. I got admission into the university of my choice to study accounting. I was so happy. I told Patrick about it he was happy at first then he frowned."

"Pat, what is wrong, are you not happy for me", I asked him with a mixed feeling

"No, not really, I Uhm. I'm very happy for you, it's just that ehm I'm not gonna be seeing you as often as before. You know what I mean Nah" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Ooh I understand, but you can still visit me anytime. But I promise I'll never cheat on you. I love you, Pat". I said as I hugged him.

"I have always loved you and will continue loving you" he whispered in my ears. He was the last person I saw before travelling that evening.

Ok guys, so obviously this is my first book and chapter on Wattpad. I just want to apologize for any mistake you might encounter.
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The book just started... (Winks)

I love you all ♥️♥️

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