Chapter 9: surprise visit

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One week later...
Voom! Voom! Voom! "Mich your phone is vibrating". Anna said as she looked at it "oh no it's ringing actually".

"Who's calling please?!" Shouted Michelle from the bathroom.

Anna looked at the screen "your sweetheart". She replied

"Oh am coming!". Michelle shouted again from the bathroom. The phone vibrated again, Anna sighed

"Mich seriously this phone of yours is disturbing my sleep". She said tiredly as she takes the phone from the bed.

"Give me, am here already". Michelle said as she collects the phone from her.

"Hey big boy, shocked to see you calling, seems someone was missing someone". She said sarcastically

"Oh please spare me that, just wanted to call and check on you since you couldn't do that. It doesn't mean am missing you or anything like that" replied Michael from the other end.

"Hmm, I see so you check up on people you don't miss huh?" Asked Michelle with a smirk.

"Mich will you quit tormenting me now". Shouted Michael

"Tormenting, oh no big bro am not the devil that torments humans". Said Mich with a babyish voice.

"So how have you been coping with school and stuff and your exam as well?". Asked Michael from the other end.

"Have been great, exam starts next week though so I might be coming back in early December or so".

"Do you live alone?"

"Why do you ask?"

Nothing much, because I want to visit maybe spend the weekend as well"

Mich chuckled, "that would be great of course I live alone". She said as she glanced over at Anna who has already zoomed off to the other world unaware that her roommate just denied her.

"That's nice, very well then, I'll visit once you're done with your exams".

"Okay. How's everything at home, hope you've met new friends?".

"Everything is fine, Dad travelled yesterday so it's just me, mom and Mira. I've made a couple of friends though,

I met this funny and interesting guy one is a doctor and the other his friend a businessman. They're very social and friendly, just the two of them for now." Explained Michael

"Oh wow that's interesting. Am happy that you're enjoying here". She said smiling.

"Yeah I am, gotta go now. We need to catch up for a match coming up in the next hour. Bye, love you, miss you"

"Same here big bro," replied Michelle.

"Michelle!" Shouted Michael on the phone

"What" she replied in shock.

"Say it back if you do," he said commanding. Michelle smiled

"Is that why you're being so worked up eh, I love you too big bro and I miss you and can't wait for your visit". She said smiling.

"Good". Michael said before he hung up.

Michelle let out a soft laugh. 'this brother of mine she said as she proceeded to Join Anna on the bed who by now should be in the Dreamland or beyond.

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Knock! Knock! Knock! "Yes wait up am coming". Shouted Anna from the kitchen as she hurriedly tried to arrange the things she was doing.

The knock continued persistently and louder. She got angry and stomped out of the kitchen to get the door.

"What type of idiot is this that knocks like a man insane? Can't you be patient for once in your life!" She shouted as she opened the door to lash out more at the culprit.

But was shocked by what she saw. A hot and handsome young man of about twenty-three or four years. He's fair with pink kissable lips...

Anna stared for a while before coming out of her daze, she composed herself "Uhm, hi who are you looking for?".

She asked nervously diverting her gaze to the floor but that wasn't easy because she caught herself still staring. And the young man isn't helping the situation as he stared back at her as if he was devouring her soul with his stare.

"Hi beautiful, am here to see Michelle". Anna blushed maybe because he called her beautiful. She smiled and told him to come in.

"Mich is not at home now, but will be back anytime from now, why don't you come in and wait on her". She suggested as she steps away from the door.

"Thank you". The young man said as he steps into the room and sits on the study desk. He looked around the room searching for something only he knows.

"Uhm would you like some muffins, I made some".

"Sure". She hurried inside the kitchen to get the muffins.

"Hey! Who am I seeing here?" Asked Michelle as she entered the room and caught sight of her brother sitting on the desk with a book.

"Woah! Finally she's back". They hugged each other.

"I never knew u meant it when you said you wanted to visit me," she said smiling.

"I never say what I don't mean Mich, you of all people should know that". They both chuckled and he gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

Anna entered and saw the sight "Uhm sorry to interrupt, the muffins... Is here". She dropped it on the desk.

"Hey, mich! how was it?" She asked trying to focus her attention on Michelle.

"Oh it was fine, not bad though" she replied as she dropped her bag on the bed. Today was her last paper for the exam.

"Oh that's nice to hear, uhm I'll be in the kitchen if you need me". Said Anna as she turned to go.

"Hey Anna" called Michelle

"Yes" answered Anna almost immediately.

"Meet my brother, Michael. I don't know if I've mentioned him to you. He just came back from Japan, and Mike meet Anna my best friend and the worst Roomie u could ever dream of". She chuckled and winked at Anna who smiled proudly and sent her a glare at the last sentence.

"Nice to meet you, Mike," she said as she brought out her hand for a handshake instead he pulled her close for a hug.

"It's my pleasure Anna," he said almost in a whisper over Anna's shoulder and she shivered.

Michelle let out a soft laugh as she watches her best friend blush profusely for the first time. He finally released her and turned to Michelle.

"You told me you live alone huh?" He said almost like a question

"Yeah, I told you I live alone because I knew if I had said I had a roomie you might change your mind". She said with a shrug as she took a muffin from the one Anna just served Michael.

"Hey that's mine" shouted Michael.

"Come and claim it then, with evidence as well" she smiled evilly at him and entered the bathroom.


What do y'all think about this chapter?
Who else noticed Anna's jealousy when he saw Michael kissing Michelle on the forehead (LMAO)

Please guys click the orange star button below, comment your thoughts about the book and chapter and share. It means the world to me.


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