Chapter 16: Patrick

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"Michelle, it's me Patrick Toby". He finally voiced out looking down but still peeping through his lashes to see her reaction. She was shocked obviously.

"Oh my God Patrick! Is this you? What happened? Why are you looking old and unkempt. Nevermind, how's your wife...?. She asked letting her voice trail at the last word. Memories if her first heartbreak began to surge again. Patrick shut his eyes hard for a minute to prevent the tears that are bound to fall, he opened it, "can we go somewhere private to talk?" He asked.

She looked at him, even after what happened she still couldn't bring herself to hate him that much. She glance over at Mira who is standing by their car waiting impatiently. "Sure". She said as she left him to the car. She whispered something to Mira and she looked shocked then looked over Michelle's shoulder. Michelle whispered something else to her. She seems to think about it for a while before agreeing.

"Get in" Michelle said to Patrick as they all entered the car, she drove them to a restaurant not too far from.thr boutique. They all got down.

"I'll be watching from a distance. Do not forget the past so easily". Miranda said to Michelle and she nodded.

She motioned Patrick to walk with her to the restaurant. They both sat down opposite each other as she ordered for their drink. "So why do you want us to go somewhere private?" Michelle asked as she took a sip of her drink not looking up at him.

Patrick remained silent, staring at his drink. She looked up at him and gave him a questioning look urging him to start talking. After some seconds he finally spoke.

"Am sorry Michelle, I really am. Am such a fool. I made a very terrible mistake, I took action without thinking because I was following my body instead of my heart. I know I have caused you so much pain and it still amazed me how you agreed to still talk to me am really sorry. I know I don't deserve this or you but please forgive me". He said with tears already welled up in his eyes threatening to fall.

They were both staring at each other untill Michelle turned her face to look at her sister. Patrick let the tears fall off. His greatest fear has taken over him. She hates him now and that's what he feared the most. Michelle turned and was shocked to see the tears off Patrick's eyes down to his cheeks. This is the first time she seen him cry.

"So how's your wife?" She asked changing from the forgiveness issue.

"She's not my wife, she was never meant to be... I divorced her..." He said the last part silently regretting ever taking that decision. 'what was he even thinking then'.

"Why?" Michelle asked surprised.

"She's a whore. I know you told me, I should've listened but she kept coming to me for sex. I mistook list for love and she suggested I shoulf marry her so I won't have to share her with anyone, I foolishly agreed because I was lusting over her already. I thought maybe she'll change for me once we marry but she never did. I caught her three times having sex and making out with three different guys in my own house". He said with hurt in his voice.

"First time was the night before our wedding, when I caught her she apologized and seduced me. I gave in again. Two days after we were married I caught her making out with some guy in my sitting room. Same thing she seduced me into forgiving her, it was as if she used charm on me. I caught her the last time on my bed again with another man, an older man. I couldn't take it anymore so I divorced her that same day.

That was when I discovered how stupid and foolish I have been the past four months. Our so called marriage was only based on sex and extravagant spending nothing more. I was the one losing. After I divorced her I couldn't keep living in that house with those horrible memories tormenting me everyday so I sold the house and have to start life afresh because Jennifer took everything I had from me. Money, life, brain, every single thing. That was when my eyes cleared and I discovered that it was only lust and never love."

He was crying already. Michelle felt sad and pity for him but then again he  brought it upon himself. "Am so sorry" she managed to say holding his hands.

"No you don't have to be, I am the one who should be saying that for leaving you with a broken heart even when I knew very well how much you loved me. But I guess it was karma." He said

"So that day you came you had wanted to sleep with me even when you know you'll still leave me". She asked the most painful part of the heartbreak. She wants to know. Had it been she gave in that day. She would've lost everything to him. He nodded and she released her hands immediately.

"Am sorry please forgive me, I wasn't thinking straight even when I was leaving you a part of me knew I needed you but I was still blinded with Jennifer's charm. Please forgive me. All am asking is for us to just be friends at least to still talk and greet each if we cross path I know it's hard but please..." He pleaded, she stood up

"I'll have to get going now Mira is waiting". He nodded in understand as she left to the car with Miranda. Miranda kept asking her what happened but she couldn't answer her, not now.

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Two weeks has passed since the incident of Michelle bumping into Patrick. They haven't seen or spoken to each other. Victor Blake's birthday has come and passed. Michelle gave him the gift she had bought for him. Although he took it but he wasn't really happy or satisfied and that got Michelle worried.

"Vicky, what's wrong? Don't you like the gift?" She asked fearing for the worst. She has spent a lot of money and time on that gift.

"No it's nice, I love it. It's just that it's too expensive, why buy it?". He asked with disappointed expression on his face. She smiled he's just worried about how expensive it is

"It's nothing really or would you have liked it if I bought something less expensive for you!" She asked teasingly. He smiled

"Of course not I'll still accept it but you should've told me you wanted to buy a gift for me" he said.

"What difference will it make?, I wanted to surprise you". She said smiling sweetly at him.

"Yeah I know, but I would've preferred the cash". He stated "I have so many watches already". He explained. She nodded in understanding

"Yeah I know, I just bought it for memory sake, but if you still want cash then I'll give you. Just name it". She said trying to lighten the mood.

"Are you serious?". He asked

"Of course, anything for you my love. Now how much do you want or should I surprise you?" She asked giggling.

"Enough of your surprised it's time for me to choose $100k". She smiled and take out her phone from her purse. He watched as she typed everything and sent it.

"You'll get the alert soon love" she said smiling. Not up to one minute his phone vibrated, he checked it and screamed.

"Oh my God, come here baby, I love you, you're the best, I'll never leave you. I love you. I love you I love you..." He kept on saying as he hugged her and kissed every part of her face and neck he could get hold of.

"I love you too. Anything to keep you happy my love." Michelle replied. The rest of the day was spent with the two watching movies and Victor telling like in kind of singing it to her how much he lived her and how he can't live without her. And Michelle was just giggling and brushing.


So guys do you think Michelle and Patrick should become friends?.

Hope you guys don't hate Patrick that much anymore.

What do y'all think about Michelle and Victor's relationship.

Pls vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter.

Love y'all ❤️❤️

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