Chapter 10: He looks cute

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Later at night, after they had had dinner made by Anna. They were all seated on the floor, Anna was busy with the remote looking for what to watch.

"So you guys are finally done with your exams?" Asked Michael

"Yeah except Anna, she still has another paper on Tuesday". replied Michelle

"Yes! Let's watch ride along!" Shouted Anna as she dropped the remote and fixed her gaze on the television screen.

"Seriously Anna, oh no you're not the best at selecting movies, why ride along we've watched that movie like six times or so". Complained Michelle.

"Well it's not that bad, I haven't watched it at all". Said Michael reluctantly. Michelle groaned while Anna chuckled.

A few minutes into the movie, Michael broke the silence by asking "so how's your relationship with Uhm... What's that guy's name again?"

"Which guy?" Michelle asked thinking so hard to remember which guy he was talking about.

"The one you started dating that time you were still in still in secondary school Nah, that black boy". He explained further.

"Oh, you mean Patrick?". She asked tiredly and bored.

"Yeah that was the name, so how are you guys, Are you guys still together?". He asked.

"You wouldn't want to know, would you?". Asked Anna not diverting her eyes from the television.

"Yes, I want to know, Mich what happened?" He asked this time with all seriousness. Michelle seeing that her brother isn't planning to give up anytime soon decided to let him know about the heartbreaking story of her and Patrick.

"So he broke up with me with a letter and also sent me an invitation card to his marriage ceremony with my roommate". She said concluding the story. She told him every single thing about how he wanted to bed her and how she committed suicide but was saved.

Michael couldn't believe the story she just told him. "How dare him!" He growled in anger. That is it, the part of her brother Michelle doesn't like seeing. "Who the hell does he think he is to play with my sister's heart!" He shouted more as he stood up with force and started heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Michelle asked him, and he stopped and turned around aggressively.

"To go teach that jerk a lesson!" He answered more like shouting.

"If you go, then I'll cry". She said as she let the tears fall from her eyes. Michael couldn't imagine how hurt her sister was when the breakup happened. He wished he was there. He went to her and hugged her tightly.

"Am sorry you had to experience that at a tender age, I shouldn't have left you, had it been I there all this wouldn't have happened". He pulled her closer to himself "am sorry". She sobbed quietly.

Anna had already switched off the television. "I'll go get some juice". She said as she dashed into the kitchen to give the two siblings space.



"Hope you've moved on and forgotten about him?". He asked unsure of the answer and fear of hearing her sister say no. He knew how much she liked him. Michelle released herself from his hold and looked at her brother. 'should she tell him about Sampson, not Kenneth? No, she can't if he'll kill someone but he needed to know.

" I tried moving on none months later after the incident but..." She started crying again. Michael was confused, what else happened? Does she still love that Patrick guy? He thought to himself.

"She's still recovering from her breakup more like a rejection". Replied Anna as she carried the tray of juice to the room.

"What do you mean?" Asked Michael. Anna explained to him about Michelle and Sampson's relationship and how they ended it after 3months with Michelle being rejected and denied.

Michael felt like killing all these people that hurt her sister. He was just away for 5years and his sister suffered like this, suffered like a girl in distress with no one to help her. He was so tensed and angry, that he wanted to move but Michelle gripped him strongly.

"I'll be fine brother, it's all in the past now. Guess I always fall for the wrong guy or maybe something is wrong with me". The pain is there in her voice when she said the last sentence.

"Fuck it, Mich, nothing is wrong with you, absolutely nothing I'm sure it is them". He said angrily and Michelle chuckled and poked his arm. "Ouch! Why did you do that". He asked frowning his face.

"I just punished you for cursing in my presence". She said with a smirk.

"You know what, I hate you". He pouted. Anna started laughing "what's funny?". He asked her.

"You looked cute when you pout". The word left her mouth immediately and she closed her mouth in embarrassment.

"No, I didn't mean cute like, I just meant that uhm. It's not like the way you're thinking or like Uhm you...." She was blurting unnecessary looking for words to defend the comment she had just given to Michael. Michelle burst into a loud laugh, stood up and whispered in Anna's ear. "Don't tell me cute boys is the charm for you" she chuckled and left for the bathroom.

Anna was red like tomatoes. She quietly sat on the floor and took the remote to continue her movie. Michael didn't stop boring her with his stare. She was so uncomfortable.

"So you think am cute huh?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. She was shocked. "Huh!" She said rather quickly.

"Whatever, am not cute, cute is like a thing for females. You can say hot... Just saying in case of next time". He said with a smirk and winked at her. She just nodded and turned to focus on the movie.

But she secretly glances over at him now and then. Michelle came out of the bathroom feeling tired, so she went to sleep, Anna joined her after watching the movie. Michael was already asleep on the floor he sprayed the blanket on.

That was a dull ending I know
Michelle is a strong girl and oh my little Anna. I felt her embarrassed state.

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