Chapter 29: hurt and regrets, the past

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She turned and "you!" She shrieked pointing an accusing finger at the intruder...

"Am sorry, didn't mean to startle you". Victor apologized.

" What are you doing here?" She asked perturbed, " were you following me, oh wait I think I get it now, you came to look for another brunette right. Guess you got tired of the old one already" she said sarcastically. Victor bowed his head in shame and guilt.

"Michelle am very sorry for using you. It wasn't my intention at first but I don't know it just happened and now I regret it all. Every single thing I took from you I paid double of it that was when I realized how hurtful it feels when you get to know that you're been used. Am really sorry please..." He stopped holding back the tears.

After the incident where he was duped by a girl who claims to love him and after everything the girl told him it was a revenge for Michelle Stephenson, and that was when it hits him. Since then he has been trying to meet Michelle and apologize. He has gone to her workplace but the security won't let him in and he doesn't know where she lives. The moment he heard of her engagement party he knew it was his only chance to meet her.

"Very good you've come to your senses. Well I have moved on and I left all in the past. As you can see am already engaged so I have nothing against you anymore. My advice is try to treat women nice especially the ones with good intentions and genuine feelings". She's really getting sick of all the people that had hurt her coming back to apologise.

"Excuse me" she said as she went back to the suit. 'I wonder who the girl that revenged for me is' she thought to herself.

Victor was relieved, atleast she has nothing against him. He really feel bad for using her. Thinking of his recent problem that got him to learn his lesson in a painful way though, The woman he kinda loved who claimed to love him as well made away with all his money, he even had to sell his only surviving car. It was as if he was enchanted or charmed because he wasn't thinking straight at all. Thank God he didn't sell their family house as well he would've been homeless as well.

The girl has been using him the whole time and he was blinded with the fake love she was spoiling him with. She really was a good actor and pretender. The worst if it all was when he found out that the girl dumped him fur his younger brother, Jason when he had nothing more to offer her. He almost got crazy. He wanted to fight her back or something to hurt her but she has to throw that Statement at him when he reiterated.

"This is just a little revenge for what you did to Michelle Stephenson, now you see how it feels to be used and cheated on". This was what she told him the day he tried confronting her physically. Since then he felt so weak, he has hurt many women in the past. He decided then and there to make peace with his past. He has to forgive his brother because one it wasn't really his fault they were both used literally and two he's living off him. He's the one taking care of him. He sighed and left the place. He wasn't allowed inside the suit because he wasn't invited.

The party ended sooner than it had started. It was all over the social media even on newspaper "Hon. Stephenson's hidden daughter Michelle Stephenson, the heiress to the Stephenson and sons limited engaged to doctor Japhet Trevor tonight". This and many others were the headline.

Their wedding came not long after the engagement. Funny thing both friends fixed their wedding on the same day and Miranda is both their bridesmaids and the friends both each other's best man. It was a very hilarious wedding ceremony.

Michelle Weds Japhet and Anastasia Weds Michael, both wedding happened on the same day at the same venue. It was a very happy and peaceful moment for both the family and the couples. They both fixed their honeymoon at same time and country, but decided to go once Michelle gives birth.

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