Chapter 20: Used like a Toy

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One week has passed since the incident that happened at Victor's house. Michelle is back home, she's lying on the couch waiting for Anna who has promised to visit her. She was about to doze off to sleep when the door bell rang. She opened the door and let her in. "I was almost giving up on waiting for you". Michelle said as she led her upstairs to her room

"I would never disappoint you, not when I promised". Anna replied .

"I thought as much" Michelle said as she settled down on the bed while Anna sat at the edge of the bed.

"So tell me, what's up with you? Anna asked while Michelle chuckled

"Good. I have been perfectly good" she said with a sad smile

"Hey hey, I know you're not. What is it this time?" Anna asked with concern and worry for her best friend

"Wow, imagine my life is now like a game where there's problem at every level" Michelle said in a sad tone

"Mich stop, what is it?" Anna asked as she moved closer to get in the bed. She caught sight of a bottle of whisky kept on the side table. "Have you been drinking?" Anna asked. Michelle looked at her

"What else should I be doing?, No tell me Anna what? Why is life treating me this way?" She let out a tear. The tears that she's been holding since the incident.

"Tell me Mich, I am always here for you". She looked at her only best friend and nodded. Maybe if she'd let it out, she'll be free.

"Victor cheated on me" she said in a bored tone.

"What, wait Victor... The guy you went on a lunch date with the day we all.met Japhet. Are you guys... Like... Dating?" She asked with confusion

"Yeah, I know it's crazy but we once we're. I was just foolish when will I ever learn". Michelle said as she just let the tears to keep sliding down her cheeks.

"It's okay. Now tell me about it, everything" Anna demanded

"We were friends for like months or so before he asked me out. I accepted without any intention of falling for him. We started dating and I thought we were perfect together. O started falling so hard for this guy that I had to spend up to $500,000 on his birthday. Thinking about everything, our relationship was just based in money.

Anytime he asks me for money and I don't give him, he stops talking to me and start acting cold towards me. In order to avoid to that, I was giving him whatever amount he asks for. Anna I fucking cleared my account for that bastard. I have him everything I had. All my savings and all, and after everything he still got the nerves to cheat on me". She paused as she took the glass of liquor on her side table and drank it. Anna didn't protest because she knows she needs the drink.

"I caught him last week on the day of your engagement in his room with a brunette both naked on his bed. I guess you know what they were doing... Ana I was fucking broken with the sight I saw. I never knew how painful it can be to see the man you love, the man that claims to love you and you've spent all you've got on with another woman having sex. I couldn't even cry. I was broken beyond repair.

I just asked doctor Japhet to take me home far far away from this world and he did". She said as she poured another drink in the glass and sipped it. "I gave my virginity to Japhet". Anna gasped at that sentence.

"You did what, why?" She asked with furrowed brows.

"Why. Did you just asked me why?. I don't even know why u just want to be free. If I can't have love, let me have lust then". She chuckled Anna is already crying 'why is Michelle facing all this heartbreak' she thought

"Am sorry Mich, am sorry you had to go through all this" she said with tears. Michelle let out a sad smile

"Don't be sorry, maybe it's my destiny not to find true love but instead to always be left broken. Like I don't know why they fucking come when they know they'll definitely leave at last" she looked toward the door sensing someone might be eavesdropping but was to weak to confirm

"The only thing that pained me the most was the money I spent on him. My account is empty Anna all because of him. What was I even thinking? Am such a fool, I never learn... I met Patrick last week and he asked for my forgiveness and friendship. He also explained to me all that happened between him and Jennifer and how he divorced him when he found out she's a whore and will never change" Michelle said

"So did you forgive him?" Anna asked

"Forgiveness is the only one virtue I forgot to ask for, we still talk though but we're not close anymore. I don't want to get attached again". She explained while Anna nodded in understanding

"Come here" she said as she hugged her tightly "you're really strong Mich, being able to go through all these emotional breakdowns and yet you haven't gone into depression or have any mental issue" Anna commended

"Depression was never my thing" Michelle said dryly. They heard a noise from the door and both turned at once to see Miranda standing at the door. "How much did you hear?" Michelle asked

"Enough to know that my sister is broken and in pain again all because of a man" Miranda said with sadness while Michelle and Anna sighed.

"Come here" Michelle said and she moved to sit beside her sister "don't take it to heart, I'll be fine. It's my fault because I fall easily and to the wrong ones as well". Michelle said trying to make her sister feel good

"I hate men" Miranda cried

"Same here with passion" Michelle added.

"Why don't we have a girls night-out tonight". Anna suggested trying to lighten the mood

"No Mira is not up to 18 yet" Michelle said. She'd prefer to be indoor than to go to any party if club. She just remembered she met Victor at a club.

"That's the fun of it or better still let's just go to a restaurant or something. It's better than staying here" Anna suggested again and this time Michelle has no strength to argue so she agreed.

Within an hour the girls are all dressed up and ready to go. They left for a nice and cool restaurant where they are, drank and laughed forgetting about the world and it's existence.

...........hours later excused herself to go to the restroom leaving Miranda and Michelle alone. They both sat in silence, Michelle kept staring at her drink as if that's the only remedy to her situation.

"Do you want to take revenge?" Miranda asked out of the blue causing Michelle to look up at her, seeing the seriousness in her sister's face she sighed. She has never thought of taking revenge but it will be good to do that just to have them experience what she passed through especially Victor because he used her to just make money. Being used is the worst time that someone will ever do to you. But then again what's the need of taking revenge when it seems like it's her destiny not to find true love.

"I don't know... I have never really thought of that". She said as she kept on battling with her inner thought. Miranda nodded at her response. "Why did you ask?" Michelle asked

Miranda smiled "nothing much, wanted to know how kind you're" she said shrugging her shoulders. Michelle smiled at her response. 'I wonder what she's up to' Michelle thought to herself. Anna finally cake out and they left for home.

I don't really know how I felt writing this story.

Am so tired guys. Sleep tight and please don't forget to vote, share and comment.

Much love♥️♥️

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