Chapter 17: The engagement

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Michelle and Victor seems to really like each other with the way things are going between them, though Michelle is the one that sacrifices the most in the relationship. Victor always calls her monthly to ask her for money to put in his business. The business only he knows because she doesn't know what he is doing and Michelle will always give him the amount he asked for.

Meanwhile doctor Japhet and Michelle are now best of friends. He most times visits her at home with gifts, they will chat and laugh and play. He liked what they are in as much as he wanted more. He hasn't told her that he liked her because one she is dating Victor and two he doesn't want their friendship to end or become weird if she doesn't feel the same way towards him.

So he just decided to just keep it at friends and Michelle feels more comfortable with him as a friend. She is always herself whenever she's with him, something she never does with Victor. Patrick on the other hand is still begging Michelle to forgive him but she isn't going to just forget the past she had with him and just forgive him. Although she doesn't hate him that much but she just can't forget easily that he is still the same guy that hurt her so much to the point of commiting suicide, the first guy that broke her heart. But they still greet and make small talks whenever they meet. That's all.

Today just like every other day, doctor Japhet has come visiting again but this time not only to see her but for his friend's engagement. Michael and Anna came to the house to meet up with Michelle, Miranda and doctor Japhet that are already at home waiting for them. Today, Michael planned to propose to Anna. So they had a little surprise party for her.

They were all seated on the couch in the sitting room, gisting and laughing trying to catch-on on one another's life. Minutes later Mrs Helina came home. She is part of the plan. Surprise right!.

She called on Michael with the pretense for him to help her fix something. After some minutes of Michael leaving with the mother. The rest continued with their chatter. All of a sudden they heard a scream from the terrace. That's where they had designed for the engagement. They all pretended to be shocked except Anna who was really shocked and scared. She ran to through the stairs swiftly with the rest following behind her. She opened the door and froze.

The terrace looked like heaven in Earth. She looked around to see where she scream came from but saw no one. She looked down and saw Michael on his one knee with a box and a beautiful heart-shaped ring in it.

She felt like crying. She stood their with mixed emotions shock, happy, love and other confusing emotions. She never knew Michael loved her this much. She had fallen in love with him the first time they met, when he came to visit Michelle at their apartment in school and since then they had became good friends that they're now like each other's habit. But he never asked her to be his girlfriend and now he has shocked her beyond her expectations.

"Anna Jones, will you make my life complete by accepting this ring and be my wife?" Michael asked with all seriousness. She couldn't hold her joy anymore. This is really happening. She looked around the room to be sure it's not some kind weird dream and saw her new family smiling at her.

"Yes! Yes! I will marry you Michael Stephenson!" She shouted as she placed her hand infront of him and let him slide the ring in. She jumped on him and hugged him tightly. They kissed and the rest of the family started clapping. She was so happy. She's finally going to belong to a family. She was shedding tears. Tears of joy.

"Congratulations Son" says Mrs Helina hugging her son. Hon Stephenson is aware of the engagement but couldn't make it because he had travelled out of the country for a business meeting.

Mira was the camera woman taking pictures and videos of the whole event. "Congrats Man, welcome to the engaged and fiance's club. Good luck" doctor Japhet said giving him a bro hug and fist bumped. Michelle hugged Anna tightly "I knew we would be sister-in-law". She said while Anna chuckled.

"I have missed alot, I'll try and make out time so we can discuss. Michael doesn't allow me most times" Anna said smiling.

"Yeah, he's a bit possessive. Don't take it to heart. You just stole my brother this silly rommie of mine. But am happy it's you. If it was someone else, I don't think I'll be this happy" Michelle said as they both laughed and hugged tightly.

"I love you best friend". Anna said

"Yeah, I know you do. No need to announce it" Michelle said with a smirk and they both chuckled.

Michelle looked at her brother and walked up to him. "You kissed her?" She asked remembering the fist time she asked him the same question. Michael smiled and decided to play along.

"I was happy" he smirked. Michelle looked confused at his reply.

"You were?" She asked with a raised brow. The whole family stood confused staring at the two wondering what they were up to.

"Yes we were both happy" Michael replied.

"And you kissed her?" She asked immediately. He smirked.

"Did I?" She scoffed. The first time she had asked him this question he said they were drunk, now they are happy. Silly brother of hers.

"You like her?" He smiled and shook his head.

"No... I love her and won't trade her for anything". He replied and Anna blushed even harder.

"Awwwn, my boy is in love" Mrs Helina said.

Michelle looked at her brother smiling "so she's the one that snatched you away from me!" She teased and they all laughed.

"Okay guys let's all settled and grab a glass for the toast". Mrs Helina said while handing the champagne to doctor Japhet who took it and unwrapped it. "Cheers to this two love birds!"

"Cheers!" They chorused as he popped the champagne open and started pouring for each and every one of them.

"Let's toast to good health, prosperity, and happy married life in Future!" Shouted Mrs Helina as they all clicked Their glasses together and downed the content. Music started playing.

"Congratulations big bro, am so happy for you!" shouted Mira on top of her voice so she could be heard.

"Thank you little one, ofcourse you have to be Happy for me it's not really a choice" Michael replied and they all laughed.

They were dancing and laughing. Michelle was dancing with doctor Japhet when her phone went off. She excused herself from his embrace and left the terrace to a less noisy place to take the call. Doctor Japhet followed behind her.

"Hello who is this?" She spoke the moment she picked the call.

"Yeah Michelle, it's me Jason, Victor's brother". The caller spoke and she stood their shocked and surprised.


Hey guys, I really don't know what the story is all about it where it's getting to. Am even loosing motivation to continue writing.
But never the less I'll keep writing it to see where it's heading to. I just love Michelle.

Pls if you enjoyed the chapter do me a favour by voting and sharing.

"Yawns" am so tired today.

Love ya all ❤️❤️

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