Epilogue: Anteiku

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Two years had passed and the whole class are 3rd years and have finally graduated.

Kirishima: Yo guys isn't it crazy how time flew these past years?

Mina: Yeah. It feels as if we've been living together our whole lives even though we only spent Three years together.

Uraraka: Well that was kinda bound to happen because we've all been through hardships and always had each other's backs.

Momo: Yes that's true.

Iida: It was really an honor to be your class representative!

Bakugo: Heh I remember four eyes freaking out because we were caught drinking.

Iida: That's because you guys were underaged! *Hand chops*

Jirou: But Iida, we all drank together when we were first years.

Iida: ...still!

Kaminari: It honestly feels like Iida and Momo are the mom and dad of the class sometimes.

Momo and Iida: Huh?!

Hagakure: I have to agree!

Shoji: I think it just proves they really do fit the role of class representatives.

Class: Agreed!

Momo and Iida: *Touched* THANK YOU ALL!

Sero: Man who knew we'd all end up like this? It honestly feels like an accomplished dream.

Deku: You said it man. If only my past vigilante self can see me now.

Ojiro: Yeah i mean, you're literally the definition of Zero to Hero.

Tokoyami: Revelry in the dark.

Deku: *Chuckles* I guess.

Tsuyu: Speaking of which, aren't you gonna run a café? Ribbit.

Deku: I am. Actually, the Quinx are gonna be running the place.

Sato: We should visit there sometime when it opens up!

Class: Yeah!

Todoroki: Are you guys gonna serve soba there?

Deku: ...

Class: ...

Todoroki: What?

Deku: Todoroki it's a Café not a ramen shop.

Todoroki: Oh. *Sad Todoroki noises*

Momo: Don't worry Shoto dear, I'll make you some soba.

Todoroki: Thank you. *Happy Todoroki noises*

Bakugo: Oi deku.

Deku: Hm?

Bakugo: *Nods*

Deku: Oh! *Thumbs up* Kyoka?

Jirou: Hm?

Deku: Mind stepping out the dorms with me for a sec?

Jirou: Sure. *Stands up and walks out the dorms with Deku*

Deku: *Breathes in and out* God I'm gonna miss this place.

Jirou: Me too.

Deku: Well hop on my back.

Jirou: Why?

Deku: Just do it.

Jirou: Alright. *Hops on Deku's back*

Deku: Hold on. *Activates One for all on his legs*

Jirou: What are yo-

Deku: HUP! *Jumps up high*

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