Chapter Twelve: Training Camp

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After the whole two weeks, it was the day they took the trip to the training camp

Deku: Quinx, before we go there's something i have to give you.

Quinx: *Gathers around Deku*

Deku: Since we're all ghouls and a group, i had masks made for you three. *Takes out the masks*

Bakugo has Tatara's red mask

Uraraka has a black gas mask that covers her mouth and nose

Jirou has Ayato's mask from season 2

Uraraka: Woah Jirou you look so cool!

Jirou: So do you guys. But only Boom boom boy has a different colored mask

Bakugo: I like it. It's my favorite color anyways.

Deku: You guys should add that to your hero costumes. Also, you should crack your fingers whenever you're gonna fight or scare someone off. I crack my fingers to show intimidation or when I'm mocking an enemy. *Cracks a finger*

Qunx: *Cracks a finger*

Jirou: One thing though, Uraraka's hero suit kinda doesn't fit with her ghoul powers.

Uraraka: No worries about that, i had my costume remade to be all black and more fitting of a ghoul!

Deku: Yeah bet Kacchan would like to see that.

Bakugo: *Blushes* Wh- SHUT UP!

Iida: C'mon everyone it's time! Line up beside the bus!

Class: Yes dad!

Iida: Dad?!

Kaminari: C'mon Iida, you sometimes act like the dad of this class sometimes

Jirou: Yeah and Momo being the mom

Momo: E-Eh?!

Todoroki: Don't worry Momo i think you're doing great.

Deku: Yeah what he said.

Aizawa: Anyways, this trip will take about 2 hours so I'd get comfortable if I were you. And I'm not gonna say this again, but when we get there, i want you all to be on your best behavior. Got it?

Class: Yes sensei!

Aizawa: Good. Now let's go

They go inside the bus and start heading to the training camp. About 30 minutes into the trip

Deku: Hey quinx?

Quinx: Yeah?

Deku: You did remember to bring some meat right?

Bakugo: Yep.

Uraraka: I only got blood packets.

Jirou: Yeah same here. I'm not really used to eating the meat yet.

Deku: You'll have to try. Because we are gonna be training pretty hard there.

Jirou: Yeah. I guess we can try.

Bakugo: It's the price of becoming a ghoul. We don't have much of a choice.

Deku: Yeah. If you don't eat, there's a chance you'll go on a rampage. Because let me tell you now, a ghoul's hunger is literal hell.

Uraraka: Alright. We can try.

Bakugo: *Pats her head* That's my mochi.

Jirou: Where did you even get those anyways?

Deku: *Looks at Bakugo* ...

Bakugo: *Looks at Deku* ...

Jirou: Please tell me you didn't kill someone.

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