Chapter Fourteen: Provisional License Exam

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A week after the Endeavor incident in the changing room

Deku: *Changing* Hey Todoroki, how's your family holding up?

Todoroki: Fine. We're just glad we still get to visit Touya every once in a while.

Deku: That's good.

Kirishima: Hey guys have you heard? The wing hero Hawks took the spot of being number 2.

Deku: Well would you look at that. Tokoyami isn't Hawks your mentor?

Tokoyami: He is. I interned at his agency and taught me a lot of things.

Deku: Must be nice. Anyways, why are we changing into our hero suits if we're just going to train anyways?

Bakugo: If i had to guess, maybe something to help us learn how to improve our hero suits. *Puts on his mask*

Kaminari: Woah that's a cool mask dude! Where'd you get those?

Deku: *Puts on his mask* I had them made. It's only fair for a group of ghouls to have masks.

Kirishima: That makes sense. The Quinx is so intimidating and manly!

Deku: That's the point Kiri. Ghoul are based off on man eating humanoid creatures and some call them devils because of their powers. Anyways, me and Kacchan will go ahead and wait for you guys outside.

They go outside and meet with the girls

Uraraka: Hey there they are. Hey guys!

Jirou: What took you guys so long!

Deku: Babe we're literally the first ones that got ready.

Jirou: But we got here first didn't we?

Deku: Fair enough. By the way, the masks look good on you guys.

Uraraka: Thanks! Also Katsuki, what do you think of my new outfit?

Bakugo: It's better than your other outfit. You look great Mochi

Jirou: What? Nothing to say about mine?

Deku: Babe you look good in everything you wear what else can i say?

Jirou: *Blushes* F-Fair enough.

Bakugo: Alright love birds we should head over to the gym now.

Deku: Alright let's go!

All of them head to the gym gamma

Aizawa: Good you're all here. The reason why we're here is to help you all work on ultimate moves. An example like that would be like Iida's respiro burst.

Sato: So basically, it's like a trump card to ensure our own victory. Like our most powerful move.

Aizawa: Exactly. And once you settle on a move, you can go to the support class to help improve your suits to help support your quirk and make your ultimate moves better. For an example, Bakugo can improve his suit to make him sweat more thus producing explosions more easily.

Bakugo: That's actually not a bad idea. Thanks sensei.

Aizawa: Sure. We were supposed to do this training in the training camp but was cut short. Whether you have an ultimate move or not, will affect your chances into getting a hero license.

Class: Hero license?

Aizawa: Next week, there will be a provisional license exam. If you pass, you will be given a hero license and actually do hero work with your agencies. They have a 50% chance of passing and You will be facing against other hero schools so make sure you train hard because it'll be tough. Got it?

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