Chapter Seven: Confession

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The day after the sports festival, the students were given a three day break from school. We go to Deku who's out buying stuff

Deku: *Walking along the sidewalk* (Sketchpads, books, some new clothes, now all i need is new strings and maybe an album.) *Walks into the music store and goes up to the cashier* Hey do you guys sell acoustic strings?

Cashier: We do sir. What kind of strings are you looking for?

Deku: The elixir strings.

Cashier: Right. *Reaches under the counter and gives him the strings* Here you are sir.

Deku: thanks. *Pays for the strings and starts to walk around the store* (I wonder if they have the album i wanted) *Looks at the shelves and searches for the album* (Oh so they do have it.) *Reaches for it*

???: *Reaches for the same album but stops* Oh sorry. We're you- Midoriya?

Deku: Jirou? What are you doing here?

Jirou: I'm here to pick up some strings for my base and get the new Green Day album. What about you?

Deku: The same actually. Except i bought acoustic strings. It's a coincidence we ended up meeting eachother here.

Jirou: Yeah. Well now that we're here, you want to hang out?

Deku: Sure. I got nothin to do anyways.

Jirou: Alright. Let me just buy the album then we can go.

Deku: Sure.

Jirou bought the album and both of them go outside and starts walking

Deku: So, where do you wanna go?

Jirou: There's this nice café i go to all the time to relax. They have the best coffee there you want to go?

Deku: Sure. By the way i forgot to ask, how long have you been playing guitar?

Jirou: Well my both my parents are musicians so i was pretty much born with an instrument in my hands. They were very into punk rock so i was influenced by them.

Deku: They wouldn't happen to be the rock duo Kyotoku and Mika right?

Jirou: Yeah how do you know about them?

Deku: When i was younger, i went to one of their small concert with Kacchan and her mom. They rocked pretty hard that night. You're the daughter of a rock musician.

Jirou: Yeah. It's nice to know you're a fan hehe.

Random girl: Hey excuse me, but aren't you the girl in the sports festival?

Jirou: Oh um. Yes i am.

Random girl: White hair... you're the one who won first place! You're the former vigilante Eyepatch! You were so strong!

Random guy: He's the eyepatch? Hey it's the people in the sports festival!

Eventually a crowd starts to form around them

Jirou: U-uh thanks for all the compliments guys but u-uh..

Deku: (She's getting uncomfortable) Sorry guys but we have to be on our way. Thanks for the kind words! *Grabs Jirou's hand and walks away from the crowd*

Jirou: *Blushes* (H-he's holding my hand!) T-thanks for that Midoriya. I never really liked crowds

Deku: It's okay. I don't like crowds too. *Still holding her hand*

Jirou: (His hand is so warm. Would he mind if i...) *Holds his hand back*

Deku: *blushes and smiles softly* (Her hand's so soft and warm.)

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