Chapter Eight: Internships

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A few days has passed

Aizawa: Goodmorning class. Before we start, I need to talk to you all about internships. What this means is all of you will be working with a pro hero for a whole week.


Aizawa: Shut up!

Class: *Quiets down*

Aizawa: Like i was saying, you all need to choose where you want to intern with. Now because of the sports festival, some pro heroes have taken an interest in some of you and has an offer for you to intern with them. Here are the people that got offers. *Activates the board that shows their offers*

Kaminari: Holy crap Midoriya has 5,000 offers!

Sero: Well he did win the sports festival.

Bakugo: Why the hell did i get less offers than icyhot?!

Kirishima: You probably scared them off with your anger issues.

Bakugo: They're pro heroes! Why the hell are they scared of me?!

Momo: As expected of you Shoto. You have a lot of offers despite only being third.

Todoroki: It's probably because of my old man.

Aizawa: But before that, you're gonna need a hero name. Whatever hero name you come up with is what you're gonna be called temporarily, or permanently. Midnight will help you with your hero names since i'm not good with that.

Midnight: *Goes inside the classroom* That's right! I will be here making sure that your hero names are suitable! Your hero names can be something that goes along your quirk or your inspirations. Once you thought of a hero name, come up here to present!

Class: Yes sensei!

After everyone's presentation of their hero names

Midnight: Alright Midoriya, you're the last person to present.

Deku: *Stands up and goes on the front* I'm the One Eyed King, Eyepatch.

Midnight: Ah the king of the ghouls and your vigilante name! How intimidating!

Deku: Thanks. *Walks back to his seat*

Aizawa: Alright now that you all have your hero names, these papers are all the information on agencies you can intern with. Iida, pass these on.

Iida: Yes sensei! *Takes the papers from Aizawa's desk and distributes them*

Aizawa: And remember to choose wisely and submit who you want to intern with by friday. That is all. *Walks out the classroom with Midnight*

After 10 minutes

Deku: Well this is stupid. How am i gonna choose 1 out of 5,000 agencies? Hey Kyoka, you decided on where to intern yet?

Jirou: Yeah I'm going to Deatharm's agency. I feel like i can use my quirk best there.

Deku: That's cool. I guess.

Jirou: How about you? You decided yet?

Deku: No. not yet anyways.

All Might: *Bursts through the door* I AM HERE!!

Class: All Might?!

All Might: Yes! Is young Midoriya here?

Deku: Right here!

All Might: Great! Young Midoriya follow me! I have to talk to you privately!

Deku: Okay then. *Follows all might out of the room*

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