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Just so you can kinda get a visual of what it was like with Colby and Blake. (Show Teen Wolf)

Blake's Pov
I called him. I called fucking Ace. I wanted to know what he wanted. He told me he was told Colby was back in town apparently he and Colby used to be business partners before he left. I didn't know what this had to do with me. Then he proposed that I should come work with him and that he could give me more than my brothers could. I declined because I can't just ditch my family especially for Ace.

Colbys Pov
I heard screaming down the hall way so my first instinct was to run to it. I recognized that scream it was Blake. I ran into his room to see him flailing around on his bed. He was having a night terror and it seemed to be a serious one. He was crying and screaming. I ran to him grabbing him and holding him tightly against my chest.

"Blake! Blake! It's a night mare it's okay.." I say trying to regain his attention as he slowly relaxes in my grip. Marco and Xander come rushing in but see that I've got it taken care of and immediately relax. I was holding Blake's shaking body in my arms.
"It's alright buddy shh it wasn't real..." I shushed him as he was still breathing heavily and shaking in my grasp.
"What happened?" Marco asked as he sat on the edge of Blake's bed.
"Marco I think he had another night terror." Xander said running a hand through his hair.
"He's had these before?" I question the both of them still holding Blake.

"Yeah ever since Lucas died he's had them. They haven't gotten this severe though." Xander said.
"He's had them for this long and you haven't gotten him checked out?!" I ask them. They both shook their heads.
"For fucks sake Marco." I groan. He hasn't stopped shaking.
"C-colby.. It was so real.." Blake said to me his voice breaking mid-sentence.
"It's okay buddy.. It was just a dream you're okay now..." I say in a calm tone. He was gripping my shirt like his life had depended on it.

"Go to sleep bud I won't leave.." I whispered to him. I felt his body relax more in my grip and soon enough he was asleep. I have Marco and Xander the look to leave which they did. The poor kid is petrified. Whatever that dream was it was to real for him. Marco always informed me on what was going on in Blake's life when I was gone. This kid has been through hell so I don't blame him for the way he acts. Blake is part of the reason I came back..

Blake's Pov
I woke up this morning and Colby wasn't there. He must have woken up. I partially remember what happened last night but not really. I had this night terror that was too real and too terrifying. I went and took a hot shower then met my brothers downstairs for breakfast. They all looked at me with sympathetic looks. I hate when they do that.

"Want to talk about what the dream was about last night?" Xander asked while I pushed my food around my plate. There was a pause of silence.
"It was about Lucas and Max.. I watched them both die and I couldn't stop it from happening. It was like an endless loop of pain." I say my voice sinking as I spoke.
"Fratello I think we should take you to the doctor to get you looked at. This isn't normal Blake." Marco said looking to me.
"Wow Marco I really wouldn't have guessed this wasn't normal!" I yelled to him.
"Let's relax now. Both of you." Colby said drinking a sip out of his coffee.
"I'll bring him to his appointment it's today at 2." Colby said cleaning up his area.

Sorry short chapter!
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