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Blakes Pov

I got out of my shower then changed into sweatpants and a hoodie to be comfortable. I then went downstairs for dinner and as soon as I walked into the kitchen I was bombarded by my brothers.
"Ohhhh look at pretty boy!" Xander says walking over to me and ruffling my hair.
"Oooo lookin sharp Blake!" Max says following behind Xander and doing the same thing causing me to groan. I pulled a snapback out of my hood pocket and put it on flipping it backwards.
"Eh eh no hat Blake." Marco said sitting at the head of the table which then Xander proceeded to take off my hat for me and put it outside the kitchen so I couldn't get it.

"Come onnn" I say clearly annoyed with all of my brothers at this point.
"No." he says coldly and you could tell by his tone that he wasn't messing around. After all that we sat and ate at the dining room table together. Marco and Xander talk about deliveries while Max and I sit silent per usual.
"Do you guys ever stop talking about mafia shit?!" I say irritated with my eldest brothers.
"You never talk to Max and I. You pretend as if we don't exist." I say angry almost yelling at this point totally losing my temper.

"Blake watch your tone speak to us like a civil person then we can talk." Marco said turning back to Xander continuing their conversation completely ignoring the way I felt. I then proceeded to slam my fists on the table loudly which caused everyone to jump.
"Blake!" Xander says angry at my outburst. Out of no where I threw my plate across the kitchen and stormed out to the gym. The gym was a good stress reliever for me because its the place where I can let all of my anger out freely without being judged or yelled at. I punched the punching bag continuously and did some pull ups. I then heard Marco come in locking the door behind him but I decided to completely ignore him.

"Fratello." He said in a monotone voice which I completely disregarded and ignored continuing to work out.
"Blake Micheal Sanchez!" He yelled his voice booming through the house which caused me to whip my head around looking at him
"Yes." I respond with an attitude lingering in my tone. 
"What you did at dinner was unexceptable behavior and I will not stand for it in my household." He said angry which internally I laughed at.
"This isn't even your house! It's dads and he left it to you after he died so don't pull that shit!" I yell in his face.
"Who pays the bills!" He yelled back.
"Not you! All you have is people who work for you and you threaten people into doing what you want!" I continue to yell which my argument was completely true his wasn't. Next thing I know Marco has his hand around my throat lifting me up against the wall

"C-Can't Breathe" I choked out my face starting to turn a shade of purple from lack of oxygen.
"Never disrespect me fratello." He said dropping me and walking out of the gym angry. I gasp trying to get my air back let me tell you it wasn't easy. My eyes are now bloodshot from lack of oxygen and I look in the mirror and see a big purple hand mark around my neck starting to form from the force.
"Asshole." I grumble grabbing my stuff going to my room and closing my door behind me. I then take a nice shower and lay on my bed. Next thing I know there is a knock at my door and I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone so I didn't answer it.
"Screw offff" I say grumbling putting a pillow over my head annoyed.
"It's me Xander" he says walking in without even acknowledging that I don't want him in there.
"What the hell happened to your neck?" he asked concerned as he saw a glimpse of the damage Marco did.
"Ask lovely Marco I'm sure he'd love to tell you." I say coldly from under the pillow.

"Oh Blake.." He says coming to sit at the foot of my bed and he gave me a sympathetic look.
"I'd rather be alone right now Xander." I say putting a pillow over my head again. Xander pulls the pillow off my head and sees my bloodshot eyes and purple hand mark around my neck
"Oh my god." he mumbles and his face is shocked.
"Marco!" Xander yells from my room angry. Marco comes walking in my room like nothing happened and he is playing the victim again like always.
"What'd you do to him!" Xander yelled totally losing his temper with his older brother.
"I'm sorry Fratello my anger got the best of me." Marco said in a nonchalant voice. Looking down I saw that he had pills in his hands.
"Take these." he said putting 3 pills out in front of me. I looked to him like he was absolutely crazy if he thought I was taking those.

"What are they for." Xander replied for me because he was skeptical also.
"I went to see the therapist talked about Blake's situation and she gave me meds to try to help control him." He said in a calm tone. I grabbed the pills out of his hand reluctantly and took them afterwards flipping him off.
"Get the fuck out!" I yelled to both of my brothers.
"Fratello calm down." Marco said as he walked closer to me and put his hand gently over my shoulder causing me to flinch.
"You're telling me to calm down?! When you just had your hand around my neck restricting my breathing!" I yelled as his hand fell off my shoulder after I flinched. 
"I know Fratello I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me it won't happen again." He said to me as if the worst already didn't happen. Next thing I know I feel this wave of exhaustion fall over me and I was out like a light in a matter of seconds.

"Sweet dreams fratello" Marco said kissing my forehead as he and Xander walked out of my room.

Xander's Pov

Blake fell asleep in a matter of seconds, I think it was the meds Marco gave him and I wasn't sure what he gave him but Blake looked somewhat peaceful.
"What were those Marco?" I ask him as we walk down the hallway from Blake's room.
"His body is tired I gave him the meds the therapist gave me and a sleeping pill because we all know that kid never sleeps" Marco said going downstairs as our cook was making dinner. I agreed with him but I feel the situation could've been handled in a calmer way.

"He tries Marco." I say trying to defend the Blake I know when Marco isn't around.
"Tries to what exactly?" Marco said looking up from his computer confused.
"Please you and control his anger." I say because what I was saying was right and he knew it as well as I did.
"I know.." He said as he continued his work in silence while we ate.

Blake's Pov

I wake up and it's dark outside, I look at my clock and it's 3 in the morning and this is normal for me because of my horrible sleeping schedule.
"My god." I mumble as I rub the sleep off my eyes. I hear my window open and my door to my room close and lock. My heart stopped almost instantly but I shook the feeling quick because adrenaline took over.
"Who's in here." I said as I reached for my weapon in my nightstand drawer. Next thing I know there's a cloth being pressed over my nose and mouth. It was only a matter of seconds before I fell unconscious. 

"Wake up princess" Someone said to me and I opened my eyes. A bright light shined in front of me blinding me a little as I opened my eyes. I was tied to a cold metal chair and I had no idea where I was.
"Asher." I say coldly because that voice sounded all too familiar.
"Glad you remember me cousin." He says smirking with an evil demeanor.
"Why am I here?" I ask completely oblivious to what's going on.
"I'm getting revenge for Matt. You know when your brother ambushed our car that day. Matt died as a repercussion to your brothers madness." He said his voice full of venom and hatred.
"M-Matt died?" I ask completely unaware of the outcome of the ambush.
"Yeah he did. Now you have to pay the price." He said coldly as the lights in the room started to dim. He then grabbed his knife plunging it into my stomach while he got a few good punches in.

"You see I like you Blake you remind me a lot of me. But you see you have to suffer because of what your brother did." He said as his voice was cold and deep. He punched me a little more before walking out of the room and leaving me in the dark.

Marcos Pov
I wake up to go check in on Blake and the boys. I look in Blake's room and he isn't there which was unusual. Entering his room I saw that his sheets are messed up and his window is open.He was taken and I have a good idea of who has him.

"Shit!" I yell rushing downstairs to tell the others of what happened. Xander and Max coming running in his room after I tell them the news.
"It was Asher wasn't it" Xander asks completely enraged by the whole thing.
"Yeah it was." I said coldly as my fists were balled and my knuckles were white.
"Get everyone on this now! Check every camera every stop light!" I yell going to my office and slamming my door.
"He's gonna kill him." I mumble sitting down pinching the bridge of my nose.
"And it's all my fault.."

Haha! Plot Twist!
If you haven't read my other mafia book I suggest doing that because Asher is a character in that book!
I thought so could blend storylines a little bit!

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