Shock to the System

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Blake's Pov
Ever since the news of Xander surfaced I haven't slept much. I keep thinking of ways that I could've stopped this or done something to prevent it. All of the ideas and thoughts just ended up in complete and total failure. Today was the day Xander started treatment. The house was eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop. Marco hired the best specialists one could find to do at home treatments with Xander so he's most comfortable.

I went downstairs running on 0 hours of sleep and met my brothers in the kitchen for our usual morning. Marco looked sleepless, Bellamy looked heartbroken and Xander looked terrified. He just stared at the table not even blinking. I sat in my seat and just dozed off. Nobody can ever predict the future when it comes to serious sicknesses like cancer. Nobody ever expects it either it's always a surprise.

I've done research on the type of treatment Xander is getting. Many have described this treatment as a shock the system. I've watched some people's journeys though. Some making it some not. Doctors call it a 50/50 chance. Some can take it because of their strong immune systems others it slowly breaks them down until they can't take it anymore. I felt like I could hear my own heartbeat. We all sat there for about an hour. Part of me just wishes we were back in Australia but we all knew reality had to come sometime.

There was a knock at the door causing both Xander and Marco to get out of their seats and make their way to the door. This left just Bellamy and I. We both made quick glances at each-other in utter panic but we knew there was nothing we could do. We heard footsteps making their way to Xander's room and a couple voices echoed throughout the hallways. After a few minutes of letting them and Xander get settled we made our way to Xander's room to see him attached to these machines and wires. He also had this IV in his arm dripping this liquid through his veins. He looked tired. Tired already and it's day one.

We were all trying to put on brave faces for Xander but I knew one of us was going to blow and it was Bellamy. Tears brimmed his eyes and he tried shaking his head to hide them but they kept coming. Marco walked off with him so he wouldn't scare Xander and so he could talk to him. That left me and Xander there. I figured I could try to keep him company and distract him a little. I sat down in the stool across from him.

"Hey..." I said while I sat.
"Hey Blake" He said trying to make a smile but it just wasn't coming.
"I'm so sorry Xander. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I should've prevented this. I could've done something-" I was stopped by Xander putting a finger to my lips.
"Stop." He said weakly causing me to stop talking immediately.
"There was nothing any of you guys could've done to stop this. It happens to the beat of us Blake you know that.." He said. His voice was corse and barley there.
"You look like you haven't slept in days Blake." He said weakly.
"Don't be worryin about me now. I've slept good you keep worrying about your health and making you healthy ." I said to him with a light smile.
"Im serious Blake you need sleep I don't care if you don't think you do. You need it. It looks like you haven't slept in weeks." He said lightly.
I didn't say anything after that. He was right but I wasn't going to say anything.

Little did I know Marco was outside the door the whole time.
"I'm gonna try to sleep while this goes on. You should to." Xander said starting to close his eyes. I walked out and as I turned the corner I saw Marco leaning on the wall.
"How long."He said sternly with a hint of concern in his voice.
"How long what?" I ask not knowing what he's even talking about.
"How long has it been since you've slept Blake." He said again.
"Not sure." Was my response and he shook his head in disappointment.
"Go get some sleep Fratello. I mean it." He said in his parenting voice.
"I'm not sleeping right now Marco. I cant and I refuse. How long has it been since you've slept huh?!" I asked starting to get irritated. He went silent after that. He knew I was right.

A couple hours passed. I mainly just paced through the halls of the house checking on Xander every now and then. He slept his whole treatment. The doctors left a couple minutes ago and said he's going to feel very weak and may get sick but that's normal. Nothing about this is normal. I'm sick of the doctors saying whatever happens is normal like it happens every damn day of everyone's lives! He didn't come to dinner so it was just Marco, Bellamy and I.

"I think you guys should go to your girlfriends houses for a little while Xander gets this first week over with. It's not going to be good boys." Marco said taking a drink of coffee. Bellamy nodded and started texting Celia.
"Absolutely not." I say coldly which causes Bellamys head to shoot up.
"I'm not leaving him Marco. He needs his family right now." I say getting irritated.
"No Blake he needs rest! He needs nobody crowding him. He doesn't like to be this vulnerable so yes you are going to Grace's house end of discussion!" He yelled slamming his mug off the table.

I stormed out of the room after that going to pack my bags. I left not saying a word to any of my brothers except Xander. I told him I'd be back and he has to be strong for me. I drove to Graces house and was greeted with a very sympathetic looking Grace. I just shook my head holding my tears back. She pulled me into a hug shushing me and telling me it was going to be okay. Would it be okay? Or will I be losing another brother and not being able to do anything about it.

This journey is going to be hard and I don't think I'm ready....

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