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Blake's Pov
I woke up this morning with a pounding headache from drinking so much last night. Was it worth it? Yes. Grace Celia my brothers and I all went down and ate breakfast together. Grace and Celia went home for awhile because they had to get things done but they are coming over for my birthday dinner later.

Today I was going to see Ace. I needed to get to the bottom of why he sent me Santiago's head in a box. I'm probably gonna get killed by my brothers for this one but I need closure. I drove through the gates to Santiago's "Palace". I knocked on the door and was greeted by Ace.

"Blake what a surprise. What can I do for you," He asked in this weirdly nice tone.
"What's with the head in the box" I ask pissed off.
"Oh that was my gift to you. This whole thing between your family and mine isn't over. This is war Sanchez." He said while laughing.
"You son of a bitch." I say throwing my fist at him but he closes the door and makes my fist hit the door with a big thud.

I stormed off and back to the car pissed. This was supposed to be over. I need to get Asher back. I pull into our gates and go through our front door. I then feel an hand harshly grab me dragging me across the floor. It was Marco. Great I'm in trouble. Oh well. He dragged me into his office Xander following behind and locked the door.

"You really went to Ace's house again." Xander said in a stern tone.
"Pfft I don't know what you're talking about." I say brushing them off.
"Oh Blake but Ace texted us that he had a visitor this morning and sent us the camera footage." Marco said not amused.
"That's not meee." I say trying to deflect their anger.
"Blake don't act stupid. I'll cancel your dinner tonight and take your phone. I can also have Grace give you a nice short haircut sound fun?" He asked with a smirk.

"Alright I went so what. I had questions but he didn't answer them so I'm on my own." I say.
"Blake this is a war between Mafias. This is no joke." Xander said sternly
"Yeah you need a clean up haircut anyway so I'm having Grace come over." Marco said just to spite me.
"I'm banning you from going to see Ace anymore Fratello understood."
"Fuck offffff" I grumble annoyed.
"I like my hair Marco why do you have to be a dick." I mumble annoyed.
"You want me to cut it? Because I'll cut it and you definitely won't like it." He said sternly.
I slammed my fists off the desks.
"Why do you guys have to be such assholes to me!" I yelled.

"Fratello I need to teach you lessons on what's right and wrong. You can't be just doing whatever you want when you please." Marco said in a calmer tone.
"Would you like me or Grace to do it." He asked again.
"Neither! I'm fine!" I yell at them.
"Fine me it is." He said dragging my arm to the room.
"Marco stop!" I yell. My anger starts to take over and Marco locks me in the chair. Tears of anger fill my eyes as he prepares his stuff.
"I want Grace!" I yell loudly.
"I gave you that option Fratello and you chose to have an attitude." Marco said in a calm tone. My cheeks were red from being mad and my eyes were on the verge of tears. When I get mad I can't control it. He started cutting the sides of my hair short and that's when I started to loose it.

"Please!" I yell again loudly.
"Alright Alright Fratello relax." He said calmly putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Why are you so worked up?" He asked squatting down in front of me.
"Because you guys always obsess about how my hair looks and I don't like the way you guys do it. What about Bellamy huh! Why is it me?!" I yell again.
"Blake because he does it willingly and whenever we ask him to." Marco said in a calm tone.
"I want Grace." I say again.
"Okay Okay buddy we will get you Grace." He said walking out of the room. A few minutes later Grace came into the room and walked over to me.

"Oh baby shh. It's okay It's okay I won't do anything you don't like." She said kissing my forehead and running her hand through my hair. Just her being there made a whole wave of calmness wash over me. She started just trimming my hair not cutting a lot off because she knows I hate it like that.

She then washed my hair in this sink thing attached to the wall. We finished and she unlocked me and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry baby." She said running her hand through my hair.
"Let's go relax okay? You need to calm down a bit." She said still seeing that I was a bit flustered and angry.
We layed together in my bed and I put my head on her stomach. She ran her fingers through my hair and I ended up falling asleep.

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liked by sanchezbellamy, celiamicheals, xandersanchez, jjmaxwell, reaganlahey and 899 others

grace.waters: rough day today for lover.
tagged: blakesanchez

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Bellamy a couple hours later woke me up for dinner and Grace was still here. I fell asleep holding on to her leg. We went down for dinner with my brothers.
"Don't you look nice Blake." Bellamy said to me as I walked in the kitchen with Grace.
"Bellamy he just relaxed can you not test him." Xander said to him.
I just pushed my food around my plate the entire dinner and didn't eat anything. I was just tired. Mentally exhausted to a point where I don't care anymore.

Dinner finished Marco and Xander were just talking the whole time and Grace kept asking me why I wouldn't eat. Grace and I went up to my room and I layed face down on my pillow. Tears spilled out of my eyes but I couldn't help it. Grace couldn't tell I was crying I never cry. I took in a shaky breath and then she noticed.

"B? What's the matter?" She asked in a soft voice
"Nothing I'm chillin" I say with my face still on the pillow.
"Baby look at me.." She said calmly. I turned over looking up at her and immediate sadness crossed her features.
"Oh baby don't cry... What's the matter?" She asked again and I just hid my face on her chest silently. We just sat there quietly and she ran her hands through my brown hair and I finally felt safe. I fell asleep on her that night feeling the most at peace in a sleep that I've ever felt.

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