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Blake's Pov
Marco took all of my electronics away including my phone because of my call home the other day because of Mike. I'm more than angry. It's a day after my surgery and I'm pissed. Right now I'm punching the bag in my room. Oh also did I mention it's 2 in the morning.

"Blake I'll take that out of your room too!" Marco yelled from his room.
"Ugh! Shut up!" I yelled in reply. He then came in my room and twisted the chain so it would fall off my ceiling.
"You're such an asshole Marco!" I yell.
"I'll see you in the morning Fratello go to bed." Marco said closing my door. I hate my older brother a lot of the time.

I now  resorted to throwing things in my room. Once I'm angry there's really no stopping me till I cool off. I threw picture frames, books you name it I threw it. My wall has numerous holes in it now. Xander came in my room while I was throwing things and grabbed me from behind. He hugged my arms to my chest tightly. At first I tried to escape his grasp but that just made him hold harder.

I ended up relaxing as he had my arms.
"Breathe Blake.." He said calmly. He always does this when I get into a anger moment. He says it slows my heart rate down and calms me down totally. I ended up calming down and he let go of me.
"Whats got you all worked up." He asked in a calm voice.
"Marco. He's not reasonable about anything. All he does is take my stuff away!" I say angry.
"Have you told him how that makes you feel." Xander asked.
"Yes I do. All the time but he never cares because he's a self absorbed asshole!" I yell for Marco could hear.
"Let's make a deal hm?" Xander asked me.
"Alright.." I reply
"You head to bed now and we will discuss with Marco tomorrow with Marco alright?" Xander asked.
"Fine.." I take off my hoodie and shirt. I then change into sweatpants and lay in bed. I fell asleep much calmer than I started the night.

I woke up that next morning and took a shower. I then got dressed in just sweatpants because it's the weekend and I don't feel like getting dressed. I went down to the kitchen and there my brothers sat already eating.
"Good morning Fratello." Marco said.
"Don't talk to me." I reply back.
"Blake remember let's talk being calm so we can get the point across." Xander reminded me. Stupid Marco Stupid rules.
"I don't like when you take my shit away." I say to Marco glaring at him .
"I don't like when you have an attitude and get in trouble at school." Marco replied.
"I can't help the school part Marco! You don't know what it's like in that hell hole!" I yell starting to get mad.

"Let's make a deal." Marco proposed.
"What is it" I mumbled back.
"If you're good today you can have your phone back but no tv back yet." Marco said
"Fine." I reply back.
"See if we all talk like civilized humans and not throw things across the room like apes we get things done." Bellamy chimed in.
"Bellamy I'll strangle you. Then I'll show you what a real ape feels like hm?" I snapped back which caused a look of warning from Marco.
I just slumped down in my seat.
Breakfast finally ended to I went up in my room and stared at the ceiling for an hour or two.
While I dazed off I was thinking of why we haven't heard from Ace in awhile. What is he up to.

I feel like Asher has a role in whatever is planned. Which can go terribly wrong for me in specific. That guy has some vendetta against me.

It was not dinner time and I went downstairs meeting my brothers at the table. I sat in silence and ate because I feel if I spoke Id say something I would regret. They kept looking at me weirdly but continued their conversation.
Dinner ended and Marco called me in his office.

"You made it through today here's your phone." He handed it to me.
"If there's any trouble this week at school then it will be mine again and I won't be as lenient."
I nodded in response and left the room. I got all my stuff ready for school tomorrow. I get to skip the first two periods because I'm Grace's test dummy.

She wants to perm my hair. I told her it would look stupid but she's being graded and needed a person to do it on. I made my way to the cosmetology wing of the school and was greeted by a very happy Grace.
"Thank you thank you thank you baby!" She was jumping up and down.
"Relax jumping bean. I'll do anything for you." I kissed her forehead. I better not look like an idiot after this.

I sat down in the chair and she draped the cape on my shoulders. We then went and rinsed my hair off.
"Grace I showered this morning." I say to her while she's washing my hair.
"While I wanted to wash again now shush let me do my art." She said in a sassy tone which made me laugh.
I then sat in the seat and she started putting these rollers and all this crap in my hair. I learned not to ask questions.

"Xander told me about last night." She said to me.
"Of course he did he's a blabber mouth." I said looking at her in the mirror.
"Are you alright?" Shes asked
"Yeah I'm good now just lost my temper." I said in reply.
I sat in the chair for 2 hours and I was getting bored. The process was finally finished and we rinsed it out and blow dried it. My hair was definitely curly. It's going to take awhile to get used to.

liked by sanchezbellamy, blakesanchez, celiamicheals, xandersanchez, jjmaxwell, reaganlahey and 1,000 others

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liked by sanchezbellamy, blakesanchez, celiamicheals, xandersanchez, jjmaxwell, reaganlahey and 1,000 others

grace.waters: when he lets you perm his hair for cosmo😍
tagged: blakesanchez

celiamicheals: wow it actually looks good..

jjmaxwell: hey grace me next🙋🏻

blakesanchez: anything for you <3

I went to the rest of my classes that day and everyone liked my hair. I mean I'm still not used to it yet but Grace passed so that's all that matters. I'm happy she's pursuing she enjoys.

I drove home and walked into the house and there Nick stood.
"Hey Blake." He said with a smirk.
"Fratello Nick is going to be staying with us for awhile and we have an office for him here too." Marco said to me.
"Absolutely not." I say bluntly.
"Blake hes our guest and our family so you really don't have a say." Marco said

"Nice hair Blakey." Nick said with a smirk.
"Shut up Nick. I'm going up to my room." I stormed off. I cant handle anymore older family in the household. They all act like they own me. I already know this isn't going to go well at all.

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