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Marcos Pov

Blake had a pretty big blowout with my father yesterday. He was telling me that our father ruined him. That broke my heart and I need to do something about it. I can't just let him suffer in his own head. I booked him an appointment with a therapist.

I know he is probably not going to be happy or want to go but he doesn't have a choice. I need to find out what my father did to him that ruined him because I will ruin our father. He's been spending a lot of time with Grace lately. He's been spending more time with her because his anger outbursts have been getting uncontrollable since my dad came back.

Part of me still doesn't think he's forgiven me which is upsetting but there is nothing I can do.

Blake's Pov
I was sitting in my room getting ready to go take a shower. I liked taking showers in the morning because it woke me up. My showers are usually very hot. I don't know why but it helps me control my anger it gives me something to take my mind off of.

Marco knocked on my bathroom door mid shower.
"Blake you have therapy today hurry up." He said after he knocked to get my attention.
"I'm not going Marco!" I yell back at him.
"It's not an option Blake." He said sternly.
"You can't force me." I say annoyed.
"No I cant but I can take all of your shit away and all the time with Grace away. You want that?" He asked really testing my patience.
He ended up walking off and I threw my shampoo bottle off the wall in anger. I got out of the shower and changed.

I went downstairs and I ran into Marco.
"Oh you're ready let's go." He said grabbing his stuff.
"Fix your hair Fratello." He said moving my hair around causing me to smack his hand away. My dad walked out and watched Marco and I leave. He has a broken nose and a black eye from when I punched him the other day.

"Can Grace come over tonight." I mumble sitting in the front seat.
"If you behave yes. If not no." He said still watching the road. We pulled into the therapy building. We checked in and I was brought back. There I was greeted by an older man.

"Hi Blake my name is John." He said reaching his hand out to shake which I did. Marco ditched me and sat in the waiting room. I sat on this seat across from "John."
"So how's home life Blake.." He said pulling out a note book.
"Fine." I reply with.
"How is your relationship with your brothers" He asked.
"Fine." I reply with.
"How about your father?" He asks and I pause for a second.
"Fine." I reply with.
"Blake if you want me to help. You have to open up you can't just give me blunt responses." He said closing his notebook.

"Can I leave now?" I ask getting annoyed.
"Yes but I need to talk to your brother." He said and I walked out . Marco walked in after me. When he came out he didn't look to pleased.
"Car." He said coldly. I walked to the car him following behind.
"Blake what the hell is your deal!" He said getting frustrated.
"Sorry Marco I don't want to talk to some random old guy with a notebook about my mommy and daddy issues." I say going on my phone. He then takes my phone out of my hands.
"This is now mine." He said putting it in his pocket.
"Screw you." I say coldly.

We drove home and Xander was waiting with my other brother at the door.
"How'd it go?" Xander asked.
"Not good at all. We are signing him up for boarding school I don't care. He wants to act like an asshole. He will get treated like one." Marco said throwing his stuff down.
"I'm not going to boarding school you asshole!" I yell to Marco.
"Well guess what Fratello! I'm not giving you a choice!" He yelled back. My knuckles were white from anger.
"Blake relax..." Xander mumbled. I then grabbed one of the vases throwing it in Marcos direction.
"Go fuck yourself!" I scream at him.
"Grace cant come over for awhile." He said looking at me.
"She can come over whenever she wants!" I yell back.
"Oh yeah she will come over when we cut your hair for boarding school!" He yelled back. That's when I ran at him but Xander caught me and Marco slammed the door going into his office.
"You're not going to boarding school Blake. You guys are just both heated right now and need to relax." Xander said pointing towards my room. I walked to my room and layed there for awhile.

I ended up taking a shower and blaring my
music in the bathroom. I was in the shower for an hour just keep myself calm. I got out and changed into some grey sweatpants. I went downstairs for dinner.
"Blake put on a shirt." My dad said. I flexed infront of him causing laughs from Bellamy.
"Shirt." Marco repeated and I left to go get a shirt. I sat down next to Bellamy.
I didn't really eat much that night I just wanted to see my girlfriend.
"Marco can she come over please." I ask him again.
"Nope." He said in a tone that was annoying as hell.
"Marcooo." I say annoyed
"Will you go to the therapist tomorrow and actually speak." He asks me.
"Marco." I reply annoyed.
"Well theres your answer go to bed Fratello." He said getting up and leaving the kitchen. I went in my room showered and went to sleep.

Hi readers!
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile school has been kicking my ass. Anyways hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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